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Want to know how to get Non-Decayed weapons in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom? Ganondorf’s fury has left an indelible mark on the history of Hyrule. Apart from the destroyed lives and cities, the side effect of this tyrant’s power is that it corrupts every melee weapon in Hyrule. Whether a spear or a sword, it is much duller than its original form and quickly breaks if you don’t fuse monster parts to it. Of course, the Goron race continues to forge weapons, but ancient steel was of much better quality. However, there are legends that Pristine weapons are preserved in the Hyrule Depths, and today, we will tell you how to get them in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
Where To Find Pristine Weapons in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

To get Non-Decayed (Pristine) weapons in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you must travel to Hyrule Depths. It is the only Hyrule level where you can find this rare weapon. All you have to do is look for shadow silhouettes on small hills and take weapons from their hands. By hill, we mean small mushrooms, stone columns, or ancient ruined buildings.
It’s worth noting that you can find Pristine weapons all over Hyrule Depths, and there are quite a few. But here are a few things you should know about Pristine weapons:
- First, Pristine weapons have slightly higher attack power and are much more durable than their Hyrule Surface counterparts. In addition, it has two diamonds at the end of the name, indicating the quality of this weapon.
- As with any other weapon, you can still improve Pristine weapons with monster parts and other items.
- Also, if you’ve never taken a Pristine weapon from the hands of shadow silhouettes, don’t be afraid of them. After giving you weapons, they will disappear and will not fight you. It is obvious, but it’s better to clarify.
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- The quality and rarity of weapons depend on your level of power in the game. This mechanic is just the same as encountering silver and more powerful enemies more often in the later game. So, you can find the rarest Pristine weapons in the early game, but in the late game, the chance of success is higher.
- After collecting a weapon at a certain point, you can get it at the same place again. Probably like monsters, shadow silhouettes are respawning after the red moon.
- Returning to the previous point, you can get completely different weapons at the same point on the map. So, for example, having received Soldier’s Claymore, you can find Soldier’s Spear in this place.
How To Farm Pristine Weapons in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
While you can get this weapon anywhere in Hyrule Depths, there is a more lucrative route. You only need to explore the plains between Sinonoyk Lightroot and Oyimay Lightroot. There are quite a few shadows with weapons in this area. So by visiting this place every blood moon, you will quickly accumulate a good arsenal.
Tears of the Kingdom is available on Nintendo Switch.