There are several titles you can earn for your character in Diablo 4. After you have found the perfect Aspects for your build, you can start competing objectives and getting different titles for yourself. It’s not the easiest task since not all title requirements are clear. Getting custom labels is nice because you want to share your accomplishments, but it doesn’t mean much if you can’t get those titles. Fortunately, the pathway to obtaining the Predator title isn’t tricky. If you don’t know how to get the Predator title in Diablo 4, here’s the process to get it.
Getting The Predator Title in Diablo 4

To get the Predator title, you must defeat 25 players in PvP at the Fields of Hatred. It’s linked to the Enemy of the Region achievement, and you also get the Serial title for doing this. You don’t need to fight 25 people in one session if you don’t have the time to PvP. So, prepare for those encounters as best as you can, then go into PvP when you are ready. If you can’t find players you can defeat, you can work something out with friends or groups you join.
It’s important to know that the Predator title might not be available anymore, as it changed during a recent update. You still have to defeat 25 players in PvP, but the title is now called “Enemy.” Any players who gain the Predator title will have the title renamed automatically. For players who haven’t earned the Predator title, it will become Enemy when you obtain it. The only gameplay aspect it affects is how the title displays next to your name.
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It’s unlikely that the Predator title will come back, so you must work with the names that you have. Thankfully, you can still make good name combinations with the Enemy title, which displays your creativity. You can also get the Enemy of the Region achievement and not use the title to avoid missing out on the Predator title.
Either way, both the Predator and Enemy titles have the same method to obtain them. You won’t see the Predator title unless you are playing on an older version somehow. Stick with the Enemy title unless this potentially changes in a future update.