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Out of all the new consumables in Shadow of the Erdtree, the Blessing of Marika is one of the best. While you won’t get many of them, these legendary potions can save you in the blink of an eye. However, the game won’t make obtaining them an easy task. You must travel to certain places, dodge a few enemies, and then find these coveted flasks. Furthermore, there are only a handful of them, so we recommend only using them when the situation is extremely dire.
Church of Consolation Blessing

The first Blessing of Marika is close to where you begin the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. As soon as you exit the cave and activate the first Site of Grace, grab the first map fragment and follow the road south. You’ll see some firehounds, Messmer Soldiers, and, at the very end, the Church of Consolation. If you want, you can enter the church and beat the soldier to obtain a weapon and two Scadutree Fragments. However, for the Blessing of Marika, you must go behind the Church into a cave guarded by three soldiers. Beat the soldiers and grab the Blessing.
Fort of Reprimand Blessing

The next Blessing of Marika you can get in Shadow of the Erdtree lies at Fort Reprimand, or more specifically, outside of it. Thankfully, for those who only want to get the consumable, you won’t have to clear the fort. All you have to do is get to the Fort itself, reach the courtyard, exit it, and then go all around until you spot an Abductor. Ignore it and head toward the ledge, where you’ll see a golden item: the Blessing of Marika. If you want an easy way to get to Fort of Reprimand, follow this guide for a shortcut to this dungeon.
Since the Blessing of Marika is an extremely powerful consumable, we don’t recommend using it for a normal fight. Save it for a difficult boss encounter and activate it once you’ve run out of Crimson Tears or are under a status effect such as rot, poison, or any other thing Miyazaki has created to kill us all.