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One of the most amusing types of rewards to collect in Final Fantasy XIV involves unlocking new emotes for your character. These range from dances to expressions and silly antics. Players who have taken the time to max out their reputation with all the Endwalker tribes will be able to unlock a new emote that they have been begging for all expansion. This new unlock lets their character do the Loporrit dance. Let’s discuss how to get the Lop Hop emote in FFXIV.

How To Unlock the Endwalker Allied Tribal Quest in FFXIV
To get the Lop Hop emote in FFXIV, you will first need to max out your reputation on all Endwalker tribes introduced since the expansion launched. This involves completing a series of daily quests for each of them until you reach Bloodsworn. Furthermore, you must also have completed the Endwalker main story campaign.

Here is a list of all the tribal quest hubs you need to get to Bloodsworn rank before you can get the Lop Hop emote in FFXIV:
- Arkasodara – This hub is located in Thavnair. You unlock the dailies by completing the Hippos Born to Run quest.
- Omicron – This hub is located in Ultima Thule. You unlock the dailies by completing the The Cafe at the End of the Universe quest.
- Loporrit – This hub is located in Mare Lamentorum. You unlock the dailies by completing the Must Be Dreaming(way) quest.
Reaching Bloodsworn on each of these tribes will unlock the ability to take a new quest called Dinner and a Show. It is located at X:27.5 Y:24.5 in Ultima Thule.
How To Unlock the Lop Hop Emote in FFXIV

To get the Lop Hop emote in FFXIV and unlock the Loporrit dance, you simply need to follow this Allied Tribal quest chain to its completion. Upon turning in the quest called A Dream Worth Chasing, you will get the Ballroom Etiquette – the Lop Hop item. Using it will unlock the Lop Hop emote, a reward well worth the effort.
Final Fantasy XIV is available for PC and PlayStation. Furthermore, it will be released on