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Nibbles the Cat isn’t the only pet V can score in Cyberpunk 2077. Those with a keen eye might have already spotted V’s potential pet. In this case, you also may have missed it and have to go back to an earlier save (or use mods like “Let There Be Flight” to backtrack). But it’s all worth it to have this lovely, scaly creature waiting for V every time you return to your OG apartment. So, if you want a pet iguana in Cyberpunk 2077, you’ll have to be on the lookout for an egg.
Finding the Iguana Egg in Cyberpunk 2077

So, what came first: the chicken or the egg? Well, in Cyberpunk 2077, you need an egg first if you want a pet iguana. This happens near the beginning of the game, so it’s an addition that many players may unfortunately miss out on without loading an early save. But with all the updates pouring into the game, it doesn’t hurt to restart with a fresh V. For new players, this can be the perfect start to the journey of discovering all the hidden gems.
Now, to find the iguana egg, you must do so during “The Heist” Cyberpunk mission. When you get into Yorinobu’s Penthouse, take a sharp left once you exit the elevator. Before the stairs is a large platform with a tree trunk where an adult iguana hangs out. You can interact with it, but you and Jackie merely comment on it. What you want to do is check behind the tree trunk on the opposite end of where the iguana sits. That’s where you can pick up the iguana egg in Cyberpunk 2077.
We mentioned the “Let There Be Flight” mod earlier. If you have this mod, you can fly a car up to Yorinobu’s Penthouse to get in and nab the egg if you don’t want to return to a save pre-heist.
How To Hatch the Egg

We have this awesome iguana egg just hanging out in our inventory, and V still has to go through the whole process of nearly dying in the Penthouse, actually dying, and waking up to Johnny Silverhand before we can take it home. Well, V’s not the only one who has a miracle because the egg incredibly survives it all. If you want it to truly live to tell the tale, you must hatch it.
You have to complete “Playing for Time” before you can hatch the iguana egg in Cyberpunk 2077. Once the mission is over, head back to V’s Apartment. Check near the center of the apartment around the couch to see a bowl. It’s here that you can interact and place the egg inside the bowl. You must wait 90-100 or so in-game days for the egg to hatch. Once it does, you can finally pet your new iguana friend. It can even interact sometimes with Nibbles if you’ve acquired the cat, too.
Something to note, though: The bowl for the iguana egg will not appear for PS4 or
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