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Do you want to know how to get and use A Secure Backpack in DMZ? Call of Duty Warzone DMZ is one of the most popular games in the world. Its vast features make it an entertaining game for friends and family. With its newest additions, Season 3 introduced the Secure Backpack. This guide will tell you how to get and use A Secure Backpack in DMZ.
What is The Secure Backpack in DMZ?
The secure pack allows you to secure your items between runs. This means non-Contraband or non-on-soldier things are closed in the inventory and do not convert to XP once you are extracted. You can keep the items in the Secure Backpack if you are eliminated in the extraction zone.
This is a handy item, especially in fraction missions and supply runs, as the secure pack provides a way of storing items in-game instead of losing them once you are extracted. During Factions missions, the players’ most challenging part was securing what they had collected until the extraction. So this new Backpack system is a game changer for these missions.
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How to Get The Secure Backpack in DMZ?

You can get A Secure Backpack in DMZ in any buy station trading for a Golden Skul, an Electric Drill, and a Gas can. You can easily find an Electric Drill and a Gas can in the world of Warzone, so you need to find a Golden Skull. But a golden Skull is rare and challenging to get. However, you can also find a Golden Skull by searching in safes inside the banks and Police buildings around the map, but remember these are rare.
Also, you can craft Secure Backpacks in DMZ with newly introduced Barter stations. For example, you need 2xTactical Rigs, 3xBackpacks, and 2x Tape. You can get all of these items from the Buy station. Once you have found all these items, you can go to Barter Station and craft the secure backpack by combining each Backpack with a tactical Rig and Tape. Here are the steps you need to follow.
- Go to the Barter Station and open the inventory.
- Select the Tactical Ring and combine the first Backpack with it.
- Attach the second Backpack to the first Tactical ring you combined.
- Combine the Tape with the same Tactical Rig.
- Repeat the same process to attach the third Backpack. You will get a Secure Backpack in DMZ.
How to Use The Secure Backpack in DMZ?
Once you have the secure backpack, it is ready to use. You can store any non-Contraband or non-on-soldier items in it. Then, open your equipment and equip the secure Backpack whenever you want to extract. Your non-contraband things will be safe in the backpack until you pull. Then, once you have removed it, all your items will be confident and ready for use.
So, this is how you get and use a Secure Backpack in DMZ. With the help of this backpack, you can securely store your items for future use. It is an excellent addition to the game and will make your runs much more accessible. Happy gaming!