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Any treasure is valuable in Warframe. But if you want the best chance of snagging something like Prime parts, you must open refined Void Relics. To upgrade those Relics in Warframe, you should farm the resource Void Traces. They’re not the easiest to farm, though. Still, there are ways you can increase your chances of receiving a nice bulk of Void Traces. The more and faster you get them, the better the rate you can refine your Void Relics for special treasures.
Best Way To Farm Void Traces in Warframe

There aren’t too many ways to earn Void Traces in Warframe despite how highly valuable the resource is. If you need it fast, then it’s time to start farming. The best way to farm them is to jump into certain Void Fissure missions. Each mission will grant you Reactant. You need to earn 10 Reactant to collect Void Traces.
Still, it’s best not to throw all your eggs in one basket. A good way to stack up on Void Traces in Warframe is to do these Void Fissure missions:
- Capture
- Exterminate
- Defense
Capture Missions To Farm Void Traces
Capture missions work phenomenally well when you want to get Void Traces in Warframe. As long as you rush to grab the target first, you can spend most of your time wiping out the rest of the enemies. This allows you to stock up on Reactant, and you should hopefully gain enough to snag some Void Traces along the way.
Exterminate Missions
A Capture mission can always lead to an Exterminate mission, but you can always dive directly into Exterminate instead. It’s another easy way to farm Void Traces in Warframe. All you have to do is kill a set amount of enemies before reaching the extraction point. Rack up numerous kills to gain all the Reactant you need for Void Traces. For this farm to work, use a Warframe ideal in AoE damage so you can wipe out the enemy as fast as possible.
Defense Missions
Defense missions are another sure way to stack up your Void Traces. You gain rewards with every five waves as you mow down enemy after enemy. Don’t take the option to leave right away. The longer you stay in it, the more rewards you’ll gain. Of course, enemies get progressively harder, but it pays well to have a strong character and a good squad backing you up.
Tips To Gain Void Traces Faster

Besides the missions, you want to prepare yourself beforehand to gain Void Traces resources in Warframe. Bringing resource-doubling boosters is key to improving your odds.
Now, whether you go in solo or focus on having a squad is up to you. Some may feel they go faster on their own, but we recommend tackling these missions in a team. Solo runs give you a smaller chance of receiving a rare part for a relic. Meanwhile, a squad boosts those chances if they bring the same kind of relic. Better odds never hurt.
Any type of farming can feel draining at times, especially with Void Traces in Warframe. But as long as you opt for the missions above and bring the likes of resource boosters, then you should get it out of the way quickly.
Warframe is available on PC, PlayStation,