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Do you want to know how to get Zekrom in Pokemon GO? Pokemon GO is a viral mobile game, and it’s no surprise that players are eager to get their hands on this Legendary Pokemon! However, it is not an easy task to acquire this powerful Pokemon. This guide will tell you how to get Zekrom in Pokemon GO.
Who is Zekrom in Pokemon GO?
Zekrom is a Deep Black Pokémon initially discovered in the Unova region. It is classified as a Dragon- and Electric-type Pokémon with an impressive attack stat of 275. Standing 2.9m tall and weighing 345kg, it is one of the physically larger Pokémon. Its buddy type is medium, requiring 20km of walking to earn candy from it.
As per POKÉDEX information, its combat stats are pretty impressive, too – Level 50 would have a CP range between 4,565-4,620 and an HP range between 184-185. Furthermore, Zekrom has two charged attacks – one that requires Stardust cost of 100k and Candy cost of 100 for use. The catch rate for this beastly Legendary is 2%, but luckily has a flee rate of 1%. Finally, it is essential to remember that Zekrom is genderless Pokemon with a resistance rating of 62.5% against fire-type moves.
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How to Get Zekrom in Pokemon GO?

Unfortunately, the only way you can get Zekrom in Pokemon GO is from Tier 5 Raid battles that last only a few days. The last Zekrom raid battle was held on January 10, 2023, to January 18, 2023. And before that, it was from December 1, 2021, to December 06, 2021. So, as you can see, it is a rare Pokemon, and you’ll have to keep your eyes peeled for the following raid battle announcement.
Zekrom is more vulnerable to Ice-, Ground-, Dragon-, and Fairy-type attacks. So when selecting Pokemon to battle with Zekrom, you must keep this in mind. Some of the best Pokemon for taking this legendary creature are Pokemon with the highest CP in these categories. Mamoswine, Groudon, Garchomp, Excadrill, Mega Charizard X, and Salamence are some of the best Pokemon choices for battling Zekrom.
Finally, remember you need to use premier Poke Balls to catch Zekrom and make sure you make an excellent throw since the catch rate for this Pokemon is meager. So, that’s it! Now you know how to get Zekrom. Good luck in your journey to owning this Legendary Pokemon!
Also, Pokémon GO is available on iOS and Android.
Sources: TheLastHotSauce, Pokemon, Pokemon Go Fandom