While it might be tempting to hoard goods and valuable consumables for tough fights in the Dead Space Remake, players will quickly realize that their inventory capacity is quite limited during the early portion of their adventure aboard the Ishimura. Of course, wanting to save healing or utility items for future use is fine, but the limited amount of space that Isaac’s suit can hold will restrict players from stockpiling, forcing them to spend or sell their goods. Fortunately, there is a way to upgrade one’s inventory capacity in Dead Space Remake, but the enhancements do not come for free.
Upgrading Inventory Space in Dead Space Remake
To increase one’s inventory capacity in the Dead Space Remake, players must progress through the main campaign to access the Store branches across the Ishimura. These shops sell a variety of useful goods, including Suit Level upgrades, which can be purchased to expand the space of Isaac’s carry limitations.
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Based on gameplay by the YouTube channel PowerPyx, the first inventory capacity upgrade that survivors can obtain will cost 10,000 Credits. While buying other useful items in the shop might be tempting, players are encouraged to prioritize the Suit Level purchases whenever possible. Sources at The Loadout state that are a total of six Suit Level upgrades that Isaac can acquire, with the final sixth being exclusive to those who participate in the NG+. Suit Level 2 will cost 10,000 Credits, but the price will rise as players progress, meaning that they must save up more and more currency to unlock more inventory space in the Dead Space Remake.
If survivors are looking to maximize their Credit income for upgrading their Suit and inventory in the Dead Space Remake, it is crucial that they loot every container they see. Corpses also count as lootable containers, but players must be careful, as dead bodies typically indicate that danger is nearby. Selling items that survivors do not plan to use is also an excellent source of Credits since the Ishimura is full of objects players might not find helpful for their survival. As long as players thoroughly loot and explore every room and area, they should not have trouble getting the currency they need for essential purchases at the Store.
The Dead Space Remake is available on PC,
Source: YouTube/PowerPyx | The Loadout