Do you have a Sim that you don’t like? Can you not wait until the natural end to get rid of someone? There are times in The Sims 4 when you feel like removing a Sim faster than expected. Maybe you found unlimited money and want to spend it. While killing a Sim isn’t something the game actively encourages, it’s not impossible. There are several methods to do it, depending on your level of cruelty. If you aren’t sure, here’s how to kill a Sim in The Sims 4 without spending too much time.
How To Kill Sims in The Sims 4

Killing your Sims depends on the level of cruelty you desire. The fastest way usually consists of setting them on fire or dropping a Sim into a pool with no way out. Longer methods usually involve letting a Sim reach the end of their natural lifespan or starving them. Some sophisticated methods include electrocution or trapping a Sim inside a construction with no windows. The Grim Reaper appearing is usually a sign that you have succeeded, as they will claim the Sim.
You don’t want to start killing your Sims too quickly, or you will run out of playable characters. Other Sims will react poorly to the sudden demise of a friend or family member, ruining your perfect scenario. While you can push the boundaries of killing your Sims, remember that you have the fallout to deal with.
Killing Your Sims With Cheats
Several cheats fast-forward the death if you don’t want to wait around. Open the Cheat Engine with Ctrl + Shift + C and use one of the following:
- stats.set_stat commodity_Buff_BurningLove_StartFire 7 – Increases your chances of causing a fire
- sims.add_buff buff_Hysterical – Death by laughter
- sims.add_buff buff_Death_ElderExhaustion_Warning – Death from over-exertion
- sims.add_buff buff_Death_Electrocution_Warning – Makes a Sim dazed, will die from electrocution if they repair something
- sims.add_buff Buff_Motives_Hunger_Starving – Death by starvation
- sims.add_buff Buff_Mortified – Death by embarrassment
- sims.add_buff buff_Enraged – Death by cardiac explosion
- traits.equip_trait Vampire_Sun – Death by sunlight (though sunlight must be there)
- traits.equip_trait poison – Death by poison
- traits.equip_trait Ghost_Frozen – Death by freezing
- traits.equip_trait Ghost_Overheat – Death by overheating
How to Get Twins in The Sims 4
Killing your Sims can be entertaining, but always remember to make backup files in case something goes wrong. Don’t lock yourself out of a good scenario just because you got excited. Also, remember you must deal with the fallout, whatever that may be. Don’t ruin your experience by killing off important Sims.