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At one point, when your city in Cities: Skylines 2 is flourishing and populated with industrial zones, one of the crucial factors you must address is pollution. There are four pollution types you should be aware of in Cities: Skylines 2 as ground, air, water, and sound pollution. Each of these pollution types needs a different approach. It’s a delicate balance between growth and caution, where the well-being of your virtual citizens hangs in the balance. However, addressing air pollution in Cities: Skylines 2 needs your attention from the start.

The methods to manage air pollution in Cities: Skylines 2 are:
- Balance industrial and residential zones for optimal air quality.
- Place large trees between residential and industrial zones.
- Build sustainable energy sources.
- Rezone the city
Balance Industrial and Residential Zones for Optimal Air Quality
You need to focus on the direction of the airflow and place your industrial zones downwind from your residential zones to avoid risk. This helps a lot later in the game regarding air pollution management in Cities: Skylines 2. Because it is not like other pollution, air pollution can not be managed by building something. Therefore, you should plan your city wisely to avoid unnecessary costs and health hazards.
Place Large Trees Between Residential and Industrial Zones
This is not the best method to control air pollution. However, placing large trees between industrial and residential zones will reduce air pollution in residential areas. Trees tend to absorb the pollution and make the air cleaner. However, this method only reduces the impact of the air pollution.
Build Sustainable Energy Sources
Most of the time, at the being of the game, you will have to rely on energy sources like coal plants for electricity. However, at the later stage, try to replace them with more sustainable energy sources such as wind turbines and solar panels. These produce clean energy and do not contribute to air pollution in Cities: Skylines 2.
Rezone the City
This will be a much more painful and time-consuming task. However, if you still find your citizens complaining about air pollution, this is the best thing to do. Build some industrial zones first much further from residential areas and then replace previous industrial zones with them.
How Do You Know Your City Air Is Polluted?
The best way to know this is by reading the messages of citizens in Chirper. Different citizens post different messages on Chirper, and you need to pay attention to these messages to identify the issues your virtual citizens have. If the air gets polluted, the first thing you will notice is there will be some messages popping up on Chirper, which indicates you need to pay attention to the air pollution.