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The Master Sword is Link’s most prized possession and the only weapon in Tears of the Kingdom that doesn’t break. The Master Sword is usually discovered by pulling it out of a stone in a mystical forest, but this game changes the status quo for acquiring the legendary blade. Link will adventure around Hyrule with weapons that can shatter at a whim, so we suggest grabbing the Master Sword as quickly as you can. This guide will show you how to restore the Master Sword in Tears of the Kingdom.
How To Get the Master Sword in Tears of the Kingdom
The Master Sword will start the game withered and a shell of its former self. Shortly after visiting the Temple of Time, you will lose it, as it will get transported to Zelda, who is stuck in another location. Like many other Zelda games before it, this weapon isn’t gone for good but requires some effort. Unlike Breath of the Wild, you won’t need Hearts to grab this weapon. This time around, you need lots of Stamina. Here are the steps to obtain the Master Sword.

To begin this quest, you must have some required items. You need the Paraglider, a strong bow, and plenty of arrows, and bring plenty of Gloom recovery foods. Last but not least, to take hold of the Master Sword, you need two complete Stamina wheels. Do Shrines and earn Blessings of Light to earn more Stamina bar. When you have all of these items, follow these quest steps.
1: Travel to the Minshi Woods Chasm pictured on the map above. They’re just south of the Great Hyrule Forest. The exact coordinates are 1038, 1662, and 0159.
2: Leap into the Chasm. When you land, travel Northwest until you hit the Eknupup Lightroot. The objective here is to travel underneath the Great Hyrule Forest. Swap to the map and check the surface to ensure you’re still running underneath the forest region to stay on track.
3: After activating this Lightroot, face southwest and run around the massive tree roots until you reach the Rikonasum Lightroot. Reference the map below to see the precise location. The coordinates are 0406, 2134, and -0592.

4: Head to the temple steps located right next to the Lightroot. Use Ascend to travel through the ceiling. If done correctly, you will be smack dab in Korok Forest above. Speak to the Great Deku Tree, which will mention that it feels ill.
5: This is where you will need your bow, arrows, and some Gloom-resistant food. Activate the nearby Shrine to have a Fast Travel point to this location. Head inside the Deku Tree, then dives inside the Great Deku Tree Chasm.
6: When you land, you must fight the dreaded hands out of the Gloom. Use your arrows for whittling down these hands, and spinning charge attacks will also be helpful. Once you defeat the hands, Phantom Ganon will appear.
7: Face off against Phantom Ganon. Despite his appearance, Phantom Ganon is pretty slow and predictable with his attacks. You can parry every one of his sword swings. Dodge his charge attack, and attack his flank. After he is gone, you can pick up some powerful weapons, and the Gloom will be cleansed.
8: Travel back to the Great Deku Tree. He will tell you he can sense the Master Sword but will mention that it’s moving. You can now track the sword on your map.
9: Fast Travel near any Skyview Tower that the Master Sword is near it. When you launch into the air, you will see a massive white dragon with a golden flame around its head. This is where the Master Sword is. Land on the dragon and approach the sword, but avoid falling off.

10: Approach the Master Sword, then hold A to pull it out of the dragon. This will consume your Stamina, and this is where having two complete Stamina wheels comes into play. A cutscene will trigger after a short struggle and a music flourish, and the legendary Master Sword is yours.

Now that you have the Master Sword, you should learn how it works in Tears of the Kingdom before using it willy-nilly.
How Much Damage Does the Master Sword Do? Answered
Restoring the Master Sword in Tears of the Kingdom has a couple of great benefits. The big one is it doesn’t break. Remember, this doesn’t mean it will now be your forever weapon. The weapon can be used extensively but will run out of energy. You must wait a while when it runs out of power, and then it will reappear in your inventory. You may also notice it doesn’t feature a damage value next to it. This is where Fuse comes into play. The value of the damage isn’t known, but in Breath of the Wild, it was a 30-base attack power, which doubled when near Ganon or Ganon’s forces, and it was glowing. We will update this guide when we can confirm this exact number for Tears of the Kingdom, but it is powerful with nothing Fused to it.

When you Fuse material with the Master Sword, it gains the form and attack pattern of the item you attached to it. The base damage of that object also gets added to the Master Swords base damage. So if you fuse a Rusty Clamore to it, it will add six damage to the assumed base of 30 damage, for a total of 36. The Master Sword will also last longer than a standard weapon and Fused object, with double the durability. Combine the Master Sword with potent upgrades like Black boss Bokoblin horns or Diamonds to create some of the most powerful weapons in the game.
Now that you know how to get and restore the Master Sword in Tears of the Kingdom, you can head into the Depths and prepare to face off against Ganon himself.