Sending your toddler to daycare is a game-changer in the Sims 4. Learn how to get rid of your little rascal for a couple of hours.
Are you a Sims 4 player struggling to balance parenting duties with career aspirations? Have you ever found yourself frantically trying to feed your toddler and make it to work on time? Well, fear not because sending your toddler to daycare is the solution you’ve been looking for! This guide will teach you how to send your toddler to daycare like a pro.
The Sims 4: How to Adopt a Child
How to Send a Toddler to Daycare in The Sims 4
First, you need to ensure you have a toddler in your household. Seems obvious, but we had to say it. Once you have a toddler, click on the phone and select “Hire a Service.” From there, select “NPC” and then “Daycare.” You can choose the duration of the daycare stay, which ranges from 1 to 12 hours. Remember, the longer you send a toddler to daycare in The Sims 4, the more it will cost, so ensure you have enough simoleons in your bank account.
Next, the daycare worker will arrive at your doorstep to pick up your toddler. Ensure your toddler is well-fed and in good spirits before sending them off. A grumpy toddler will only make the daycare worker’s job harder and might result in a negative experience for your little one.
Once you send a toddler to daycare in The Sims 4, they will play with toys and interact with other toddlers. Don’t worry. They won’t be neglected or left to their own devices. Instead, the daycare worker will keep a watchful eye on them and make sure they’re taken care of. You can check in on your toddler’s progress by clicking on the daycare worker and selecting “Check on Toddler.”
Benefits of daycare in the Sims 4
When it’s time for your toddler to return home, the daycare worker will drop them off at your front door. Your toddler will likely be tired from all the playtime, so give them some rest and relaxation time. A nap or some quiet playtime with toys will improve their mood.
Sending your toddler to daycare in The Sims 4 is convenient for you and an excellent opportunity for your toddler to socialize and learn new skills. They might even make some friends and bring home some new toys or books to add to their collection. In addition, it lets you focus on your career or other responsibilities without neglecting your parenting duties. Just remember to hire the daycare service, prepare your toddler for their visit, and give them some relaxation time when they return. With these tips, you’ll be a daycare pro in no time.
The Sims 4 is available on PS4, PS5,