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Although Kay Vess will help various underworld factions, she is not truly loyal to any of them. Unlike the Jedi, our protagonist only focuses on her own needs and goals, and sometimes, that includes breaking into someone’s vault. If you want to access the Crimson Dawn’s big vault, you need to obtain three keycards. The easiest one to grab in Star Wars Outlaws is Zafi’s Vault Keycard. You can find this item inside the Shipjacker Workshop at Toshara.
How To Enter Shipjacker Workshop in Star Wars Outlaws

Since this area is completely hostile, you can’t just enter the Shipjacker Workshop from the entrance. Luckily, there is a climbable surface on the left side of the cave entrance. It will drop you inside the tunnel leading into the big chamber.
Once you are there, you will need to carefully make your way around patrolling guards. Zafi’s Vault Keycard is located behind the red barrier on the second floor. Unfortunately, there are no handy stairs you can use, but the game still provides a way to reach this platform.
Where To Get Zafi’s Vault Keycard

Here’s what you need to do to get Zafi’s Vault Keycard:
- Take out the guard standing over several crates.
- Climb up the stairs to your left and hide behind a rock.
- Wait for the patrolling guard to turn their back on you before you hit them.
- Turn your attention to the circular platform.
- Eliminate another patrolling guard in this area.
- Detonate one of the barrels as a distraction.
- Quickly eliminate the two remaining guards.

To reach the red barrier containing Zafi’s Vault Keycard, you have to use the movable box. Just order Nix to press the button and immediately jump on the box. You will be taken to the higher platform.
Finally, you need to command Nix to pull down the shutter so you can shoot the machine. If there are enemies left in the Shipjacker Workshop, they will become alert. However, you won’t get noticed since you are hidden from their sight.
Inside the room, you can find Zafi’s Vault Keycard on the left shelf. There is also a treasure chest containing the Shipjaker Fuel and other materials. At this point, you have two options. You can fully explore the area and claim other loot in this zone or immediately head out.
If you want to leave, you can’t just use Fast Travel. You will need to make your way out of the cave by backtracking. If you haven’t cleared the enemy on the bottom floor, then you have to be extra careful since you need to jump down to leave this area.