At first glance, Hygrodere Slime may look like a helpless slimy mass that slowly tries to catch up with you. Do not underestimate this enemy, though, because it is impossible to kill it, and with every second you stay in the facility, its size increases. Learning how to deal with Hygrodere Slime in Lethal Company is essential for surviving, so here’s everything you should know about this creature. This enemy will not hide like the others, instead, it will slowly but surely crawl toward you. It is still possible to avoid it if you play smart enough not to get stuck in a dead end.
Lethal Company: How to Avoid Hygrodere Slime

This enemy cannot be killed, so hitting it with a stop sign or a shovel will only make it worse. If you try to beat it, you will just lose time and stamina instead. Basically, there are two main options to avoid Hygrodere Slime, and they are running away or distraction. It’s not that easy to do if you don’t know how, so we’ve prepared detailed instructions for you with tips that are described below.
Try to Run Away
The first way would be to escape. Even though Hygrodere Slime is slow, it’s also relentless and will not stop until it has consumed you. To avoid this, find some kind of railing or elevated area where the enemy cannot get to. By being at least half a meter above the ground, you can successfully avoid contact with the enemy, thereby forcing it to switch to someone else.
If there is no railing nearby, you can use a more risky method, namely jumping over the Hygrodere Slime. Your success will depend on the size of the enemy, if it has just recently appeared, you have a good chance, but if it has been chasing you for a long time, it may be much more difficult.
If you have extra credits, we recommend buying TZP-Inhalant, which will increase your speed and stamina. Thus, the higher your speed, the longer your jump will be, which will also increase your chances of survival.
Distract the Enemy
This method is a little more costly, as it requires spending credits, but it will be much more effective. While no weapon is effective against the Hygrodere Slime, there is one item that will help you deal with it: specifically, the Boombox.
The Boombox costs 60 credits, so you can easily order it through the terminal. Now that you’re at the facility, and you’ve spotted a Hygrodere Slime, proceed as follows:
- Find the room with the door that leads to the dead end.
- Enter this room and place the Boombox there.
- Wait for the Hygrodere Slime to crawl into the room.
- Close the door.
And the Hygrodere Slime is trapped: you’ve done it! You’ve tricked this enemy, and now it will be left there alone with just some loud bass to keep it company. If there is no room with a dead end anywhere, you can place the Boombox as far as possible from the exit. Then, just pick up all the scrap you’ve collected and head for the ship before other monsters appear.
Lethal Company is available on PC via Steam.