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As a proud Brooklyn Visions Academy student, Miles Morales wears the mask to take student life photos in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. For a superhero, Spider-Man gets asked to do a bunch of random tasks. One moment, you’re webbing the George Washington Bridge together to prevent a massive accident. The next, smaller side activities, like finding a Grandpa lost in Central Park. In this Brooklyn Visions request, Spider-Man takes on the role of a substitute photographer to help his classmates.
How to Take a Photo of Brooklyn Visions Campus

To take the first picture of the campus, you’ll need to climb to the highest building in Brooklyn and find the broken drone. Once that’s done, it’s time to step onto the building ledge and whip out the camera.
If you’ve been trying to take these Student Life photos in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 for a while and keep getting the “Subject Not In View” error message, you’re pointing to the wrong part of campus. Instead of aiming the camera at the field, move it to the left toward the main building. That will do the trick.
After the first successful take, the project leader will ask that you take just two more from the rooftops of adjacent tall buildings. And just when you think you’re done, she’ll send another request to take pictures of the students up close.
How to Take a Photo of the Drone Club in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

The Drone Club is hanging out in the field. They’re flying their drones near the benches, so look for them to take the first Student Life Photos in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.
How to Take a Photo of the E-sports Team in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

To find the E-sports Team, look for the cafeteria section. Once you’re there, whip out the camera and aim toward the glass building nearby. Take a picture of the E-sports team holding an intense gaming session to complete Student Life Photos in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.
How to Take a Photo of the Greenhouse in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

The Greenhouse can be found past the cafeteria. When you start spotting some flowerbeds, you’re near the place. In this case, you don’t need to take a picture of any student group to complete Student Life Photos in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Instead, focus on the Greenhouse itself.