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If you’ve played Bloodborne, another Souls-like game, you won’t be a stranger to the Runes in Lords of the Fallen. Much like the Rune system in Bloodborne, Lords of the Fallen features the same system. You can attach these Runes to your equipment to get different functions. For example, you can increase the Strength, Agility, Radiant, or Inferno scaling of your weapon. You can also get the achievement “Rune Novice” when you equip a Rune for the first time in Lords of the Fallen. However, you need to find an item called Cracked Rune Tablet first, and you can unlock the second slot with Chipped Rune Tablet.
How To Unlock Runes in Lords of the Fallen

To access the power of Runes in Lords of the Fallen, you must first find a Rune. Then you should deliver this Rune to Gerlinde the Blacksmith. After you release Gerlinde you learn that she wants to learn more about these stone tablets (Runes) in your first interaction with her.
To unlock Runes in Lords of the Fallen, first teleport to the Vestige of The Pale Butcher in Shuja Hamlet, then turn around and follow the path. At the crossroads, turn right and enter the wooded gate. Follow the path, and it will eventually take you to the right side. After climbing down the ladder, follow the cave with the torch on the left.

At the end of the cave, use your Umbral Lamp to get past the iron gate. Then head straight through the puddle below, and when you see the sign that says “CALRATH,” head to the right. You will then reach Fitzroy’s Gorge, keep the cliff to your left, and keep going. Eventually, you will come to another cave that will require you to use your Umbral Lamp again.

After exiting the cave, head up the slope to the right to unlock the Runes in Lords of the Fallen. When you see a trail of blood on the ground, turn to your left and you’ll see a broken bridge. Use your lamp to cross this broken bridge, and on your left, you’ll see an alcove with red lights coming out of it.

Use your lamp again to cross this alcove. After descending the second ladder, you will find the Cracked Rune Tablet item, which you will need to unlock the Runes in Lords of the Fallen, and Rune Novice achievement.
How To Get & Use the Chipped Rune Tablet In Lords of the Fallen

While you normally have one slot per weapon, the Chipped Rune Tablet allows you to unlock your second slot and equip an additional rune in Lords of the Fallen. However, the weapon you want to attach the second Rune to must be upgraded to at least +4 to unlock the second slot.
To find the Chipped Rune Tablet in Lords of the Fallen, first teleport to Upper Calrath Mining District (Vestige of Doln). Then enter through the gate at the back and go down the stairs. Then head to the right and keep going down.
Turn to the right again and you will find yourself on a terrace, from this terrace head to the left side. Jump down from the broken section and cross over the rampart. Then jump down from the wooden platform on the right side.

Start climbing up the stairs directly opposite you. Jump inside the ruined house, from which orange streams of light emanate.

After passing through the door, turn left and go down. You’ll see the Chipped Rune Tablet by the fireplace. When you give this item to Gerlinde, you can add a second Rune to your +4 weapons.
If you are looking for visual help with how to get Cracked Rune Tablet and Rune Novice achievement, we recommend watching the video of the YouTube channel 100% Guides: