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It’s very difficult to unlock the Serpentine camo in DMZ Season 5 Reloaded. This camo was recently added to the game, but it’s not featured in any of the camo lists; not even in events. However, you’ll find this camo in a secret Zaya Observatory Buy Station menu. The items you need for it are the rarest in the game. You’ll need to have a Skeleton Key, Heavy Chopper Fuel, Chemist’s Acid, and Blackcell Hand Cream items. Here’s how you can build or buy these items.
What do You Need to Unlock Serpentine Camo DMZ

- Skeleton Key
- Heavy Chopper Fuel
- Chemist’s Acid
- Blackcell Hand Cream
Now that you know what the ingredients are for creating this Camo, let’s find each item one by one. Remember that once you’re in position of all four items, you need to bring them all to the secret Zaya Observatory lab‘s Buy Station, and then you’ll trade them to unlock the Serpentine Camo in DMZ Season 5 Reloaded. You should also note that you must have a Secure Backpack to bring items from a certain map to another. Let’s begin!
How to Create Blackcell Hand Cream to Unlock Serpentine Camp in DMZ

You need to create the Blackcell Hand Cream first if you want to unlock the Serpentine Camo in DMZ. This item is so rare that is nearly impossible to achieve. That is why we put it first here on the list because if you don’t create this one, you won’t be able to proceed. Other items like the Skeleton Key and Chemist’s Acid are much easier to find.
Now to get a Blackcell Hand Cream, you would need the gather the following items one by one. Remember to follow the gathering through the steps, as you would need to trade them in order to get the other.
1. Ancient Gun Oil

The first step is the Ancient Gun Oil. This item is rare, and you won’t just find it anywhere on the map or even in restricted areas. Now the thing that makes this challenge so hard, is that you would need to trade high-value items to find them. Here’s the list:
- Diamond Bit Drill
- AQ Laptop
- Chlorine
- Damascus Dog Tag
Now as you can see, these items are all rare. Finding all of them in only one match is such a hard task, and that is why you need a Secure Backpack to find them. But first, you’ll need to find the Diamond Bit Drill from the locked door inside the Alpha Cluster. If you don’t know how to open this door, maybe this guide on Crack The Code mission can provide you with enough info here.
After that, you would need an AQ Laptop. This item is spotted randomly in the Koschei Complex. The same goes for Chlorine as you would find this item randomly in the game. After that, you would need a Damascus Dog Tag, which is super rare to find.
A Damascus Dog Tag is given to a player who has exfiltrated successfully 10 times in a row. Now you need to find a player who has done this, and then kill him to pick his dog tag; which isn’t easy. Now if you were lucky enough to find this item and all the others, go to Koschei Complex from the Oasis entrance, and trade them in its shop for an Ancient Gun Oil.
2. Bombmaker’s Blend

After you’ve acquired the Ancient Gun Oil, it’s time for the Bombmaker’s Blend. This item has been recently added to Ashika Island, and you need these items to get it.
- Ancient Gun Oil
- Bombmaker’s Screwdriver
- 200K Cash
You’ll find the Bombmaker’s Screwdriver as a loot when you kill the Bombmaker. He is the commander on the top floor of the Tsuki Castle, and he has this item. After that, you need to find or craft a GPU, which can be acquired by Stage Bag if you have the key, If not, search the restricted areas for it. And at last, you would need 200K cash to trade all the mentioned items with Bombmaker’s Blend. You’re one step closer to unlocking the Serpentine Camo in DMZ.
3. Premium Liquor

The last item is on the Vondel map. Find any Buy Station and choose the Barter menu to find the Premium Liquor. You need to trade the following items to get the Premium Liquor:
- Bombmaker’s Blend
- Bullfrog’s Blow Torch
- Calling Card x2
- Vintage Wine x2
The Bullfrog’s Blow Torch is something like Bombmaker’s Screwdriver; something you would find after you kill the Bullfrog commander. Next, you’d need to find two Calling Cards, which can be found inside the backpack of dead players after The Scavenger boss loots them. For the last item, you need two Vintage Wines, which are randomly found in Vondel and Ashika Island.
Now after you’ve found all the items and traded them for a Premium Liquor, it’s time for the final step. You need to go to Al Mazrah, head to Koschei Complex, and then find the Shopkeeper. Here you’ll find a special Buy Station, where you can build different plate carriers. You need to have a 3-Plate Stealth Vest, a 3-Plate Comms Vest, and a 3-Plate Medic Vest. Put them all in your backpack, and trade them alongside the Premium Liquor for the Blackcell Hand Cream. Now you’ve found one of the rarest items in the game, it’s time to exfil with it.
Where to Find Skeleton Key

The Skeleton Key can be acquired as ground loot inside the DMZ maps, or by completing certain missions. These keys open any door, but we need one of them to unlock the Serpentine Camo in DMZ.
Where to Find The Heavy Chopper Fuel

You can find Heavy Chopper Fuel at the Airport in Al Mazrah. This item can be found anywhere on the map, but you’ll have a higher chance of finding it in the Al Mazrah Airport or Rohan Oil areas.
How to Find The Chemist’s Acid

The Chemist’s Acid is easily found by killing the Chemist. Once you deploy in Al Mazrah, look for the yellow radiation zone on the map. Reach that area, and look inside for a guy wearing a yellow hazmat suit. Take him out, and you’ll have a Golden Skull, a modified M13B, and the Chemist’s Acid. After you’ve found this item, put it beside the Blackcell Hand Cream, Heavy Chopper Fuel, and the Skeleton Key to trade them and unlock the Serpentine Camo in DMZ.
Final Step: Unlock Serpentine Camo in DMZ

If you go to the secret lab below the Zaya Observatory, you’ll find a portable shop, marked on your tac-map. This shop is inside the lab, and you can find it easily by searching the area. However, the weird thing is that you need to wait until the radiation passes it so that you can open it and trade items! This is something that has never been in DMZ before.
You would need radiation blockers and gas masks to stay in the secret lab after radiation passed you. Then, open the Buy Station’s menu, and trade all the four valuables you’ve gathered to unlock the Serpentine Camo in DMZ.
How To Complete Black Box DMZ Mission in Season 5 Reloaded
Acquiring the Serpentine Camo in DMZ is a very hard challenge, and most players can’t complete it. In fact, the hardest part about this camo is creating the Blackcell Hand Cream, which has three hard steps itself. However, you should note that the DMZ mode might reach its end by the release of Modern Warfare 3; which means that if you want to have this camo, you need to grind for it until before November 10, 2023.
Call of Duty: Warzone 2, DMZ, and MW2 Season 5 Reloaded is now available to play.