With the recent Echoes update for Wayfinder, a lot of players are stepping out of the Gloom and into this colorful world ripe for the picking. While many would like to delve into all the combat-oriented activities of this game, there are other things players can pursue, such as collecting furniture, weapons, and even mounts. For the latter, Wayfinder features a secret Duskhunter mount you can obtain even before unlocking the mount feature. Here, we’ll guide you through the process of obtaining it.
How To Get The Duskhunter Mount in Wayfinder

Instead of being locked behind a quest, you can find the Duskhunter mount by completing a puzzle across the Highlands, the first open area in Wayfinder. To do so, you have to find the Bell Tree near the Codex Halls and ring its bell to open a hidden cave. However, you’ll notice that there are five bells in total you need to ring before the chest spawns. Below is the location of every bell around the map.
Bell #1

The first bell is the one that starts this treasure hunt. You’ll find it next to the Codex Halls entrance, in the middle of a pond. Ring it and follow the light that leads to the abovementioned cave.
Bell #2

For the second one, travel to the Beachside Outpost signal fire. Once there, walk toward the edge and drop below to the coast. Head to the top left corner, and you’ll find the bell tucked between some stones facing the sea.
Bell #3

The third bell that leads to the Duskhunter mount in Wayfinder is to the south of Crossroads Foundry. Teleport to that signal fire and head south until you reach a body of water with a large broken log. You must climb on top of the fallen log, which is where the bell will be. It will be hanging from a tree branch.
Bell #4

The fourth bell is located directly south of the third one. However, you need to go all the way around until you reach an open area with three bird-like enemies. These enemies might be a bit over-leveled, so ignore them and hit the bell. You’ll find it behind a pillar that’s next to a small tree.
Bell #5

The final bell is southeast of Ironstone Keep. Travel to this signal fire and follow the road until you find a pack of goblins, including a Goblin Seer. Defeat them and look behind the stone structure; that’s where the bell is.
Once you’ve rung all five bells, return to the Codex Halls signal fire and head inside the cave to open the chest; you’ll get the Duskhunter mount, which will let you move faster across the areas of Wayfinder. One thing to remember is that if you leave the Highlands, the bells will reset, or at least that happened to me. So, try to ring them all in one go before moving to another location. Also, you can use the mount regardless of your main story progress, which is quite useful during the early hours.