Killing your rivals and cashing out in The Finals takes skill, and players who know how to use arena carriables are at a definite advantage. From blowing people up to sealing doorways and setting chokepoints ablaze, these versatile items add a new layer of tactical depth to every round. Whether you’re playing Light recon or Heavy demolition, carriables let you turn the environment to your advantage and take enemies by surprise. Just like in Valorant, knowing how to make the most of the level is often enough to secure victory. Here’s what you need to know about how to use arena carriables in The Finals.
Picking Up and Throwing Arena Carriables in The Finals

You can survive casual matches without knowing every trick in the game, but if you want to climb ranked mode in The Finals, understanding carriables is a must. These objects come in a variety of types. They all share something in common, however: you can pick them up and toss them to trigger an effect. Flammable and Poison carriables are great for setting up AoE damage in chokepoints and around objectives. Goo and Powder carriables let you create cover and deny sightlines. Here are all the types of carriables in The Finals:
- Explosive
- Flammable
- Goo
- Poison
- Powder
Explosive carriables are the most straightforward for damaging opponents. Use F/Y/Triangle to pick them up then toss them at opponents. You’ll do serious damage to anyone you hit, and splash damage ensures that neither bystanders nor the environment are safe. The Finals is a fast-paced game, but take the time to line up your throw before releasing the carriable.
Hilarious as it might be to you, your teammates won’t think it’s funny if you accidentally pitch an explosive at the back of their heads. (Not that that happened to us or anything…) The more you experiment with arena carriables in The Finals, the better you’ll get. Don’t be afraid to hop into the Practice Range to train.
The Finals is available for PC, PlayStation 5, and