Wherever you lie on the political spectrum, there’s no denying that President Trump has already made a big impact since returning to office. One of his most controversial moves is the Executive Order that seems to breach the 14th Amendment regarding what constitutes US citizenship. His rhetoric concerning immigration has been combative and, to many, extremely inflammatory. As if illustrating this, a huge anti-deportation protest has erupted in Dallas, Texas to deplore President Trump’s deportation plans, the video of which is going viral on Reddit.
Nobody in their right mind would have expected Donald Trump to be timid and indecisive on re-entering the Oval Office. The sheer and speed with which he has taken broad, far-reaching actions, however, has surprised many. On only his first day in office, he signed nearly 50 Executive Actions, including 26 Executive Orders. Clearly, he’s not a man to be cowed by the responsibility that comes with the office of President of the United States of America.
One of President Trump’s most divisive and inflammatory stances regards his rhetoric concerning immigration. Following up on his pre-election bluster, he appears to be deadly serious about deporting those that aren’t of US citizenship. How such deportation would work, however, and who exactly would fall into that category, is currently unclear.
What is abundantly clear, though, is that such intentions have understandably upset many people. A huge anti-deportation march has been filmed on Reddit showing hundreds of people protesting the plans. Against the backdrop of deafening cheers, many protesters march waving flags, with the Mexican flag prominent. The protesters chant loudly as cars hoot their horns.
Many Reddit commenters reacted with surprise that such a major protest hadn’t made national news. As one Redditor pointed out, “There’s tons of local coverage of this protest, but nothing national.” Others Redditors believe that the protest won’t be an isolated occurrence. “And so it begins,” one remarked ominously. Another thought the march foreshadowed things to come, saying, “s**** gonna get real here soon.”
Wherever you lie on the political spectrum, it can’t be denied that Donald Trump’s first week in office has been a divisive one. We’ll have to see whether the anti-deportation protest seen in Dallas, Texas leads to more widespread unrest. We can only hope that the marches don’t become violent and that President Trump clarifies his intentions before too long.