New York wasn’t the only city to see protests on Presidents’ Day. A video has gone viral on TikTok of a huge protest in the cold, snowy streets of Denver on February 17. Footage from high elevation shows what must be thousands of people moving through one Denver’s main streets in protest against President Trump’s continued solidification of power.
The brief clip was captured in Denver on February 17 – Presidents’ Day. Rather than celebrating current president Donald Trump, however, the protest highlights the widespread discontent that continues to plague the United States.
Presumably captured from a tower block, the footage shows one of Denver’s main streets packed full of citizens marching in protest. The turnout is especially impressive given the cold weather, as shown by the snow in the air. One popular TikTok comment stated: “On the coldest of days, these people marched for all of us.”
Many of the protestors hold placards, but it’s not possible to make out what they say from this distance. What we can make out, however, is some of what is being shouted over megaphone. One phrase in particular stands out: “F*** the President!” No room for misinterpretation with that statement.
You might expect such a huge protest to receive significant news coverage. As one TikToker queried, “Why don’t they show these events on national news[?]” The reason, perhaps, is that it’s not in national news outlets’ interests to show such protests. Donald Trump has repeatedly made it clear that he won’t suffer insubordination.
Perhaps surprisingly, the TikTok comments were almost universally in support of the protest action. Many thanked the protesters for their actions, particularly notable given the inclement weather. And it wasn’t just US citizens who praised the Denver protest. “Canada supports you guys!” one TikToker proclaimed. Another offered, “Support and respect from Canada!!”
If the evidence from New York and Denver is anything to go by, these protests aren’t isolated incidents. In fact, it’s plausible that they are happening across the United States. One popular post made this claim, stating, “This is happening in every state.” Another claimed to have seen protests “live streams from Maine to Alaska.”
Although the scale of the civil unrest is hard to ascertain, there’s no doubt that the US is in turmoil right now. President Trump’s rapid, decisive actions have angered many and led to many representatives speaking out. How will this end? Well, one commenter issued a dire warning, saying, “Revolution calling.”