In the face of so much violence among girls, they support each other to get out of dangerous situations, such as stalkers and violent people, or just for the sake of helping each other. This is what it means to be a girl’s girl. But this influencer from Idaho proved in a TikTok that she is not only a girl’s girl but an incredible friend by risking her life to save her friend across the country from an abusive boyfriend. If that’s not being a good friend, I don’t know what is.
Rather than a video recounting how this influencer traveled from Idaho halfway across the country to the state where her friend lived to save her, the story describes it as something more amusing. In her TikTok, jellyroots tends to look at her problems and treat them with a little humor; that’s just her personality. So she instead laughs at the fact that she was clearly not “stable” enough to travel for 36 hours, non-stop, to where her friend was to scare the abusive boyfriend away. The friend’s boyfriend tried to play the victim and empathize with jellyroots, saying the friend/girlfriend was badmouthing her behind her back. However, this manipulative tactic did not work because jellyroots acted unhinged, responding, “It’s all true, I am Crazy, and I got worse”.
“It’s all true and I’ve gotten worse” goes so hard. I’m so inspired
The influencer’s most important thing was getting her friend out of trouble, so she didn’t think straight or about herself on the journey. Of course, jelly-roots wouldn’t be okay being angry, not well rested, and food-deprived.
“She says you’re crazy” YEAH I TOLD HER I WAS, NOW RUN 😂
norah sage
The boyfriend was utterly shocked to see that not only did jellyroots not respond as he expected to his manipulation but that she was a dangerous girl who got rid of him. Plus, jelly deserves praise for being a fantastic friend because she and her friend hadn’t spoken in years and didn’t hesitate to come to the rescue. Fortunately, her friend and friendship are doing much better now.