Riot games have revealed the newest playable character to their incredibly popular MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) League of Legends. Illaoi, The Kraken Princess!
Illaoi is a melee bruiser who primarily see play in the top lane. Her unique abilities revolve around her passive skill, which randomly spawns tentacles on the walls of the map, wherever she is. These tentacles do not act on their own, instead will interact with Illaoi’s spells and abilities. Some her abilities will command nearby tentacles to attack targets while others will have the tentacles heal herself for a small portion of her missing health. Due to these powerful stationary allies, Illaoi will excel at zone control, especially around non-moving objectives such as turrets, dragons, and Baron.

Despite being a tank, Illaoi has very few tools commonly associated with beefy champions. She significantly lacks sufficient crowd control (stuns, slows, etc.) to protect her more fragile teammates, and has no efficient means of initiating fights, or even disengaging fights. Instead, Illaoi boasts considerable damage among her bruiser brethren. Her ability Harsh Lesson is capable of laying down some serious hurt as it commands all nearby tentacles to strike a single target.
Illaoi is not yet live on the servers, keeping with tradition she will most likely be available to play within the month.