Typically, gas stations are a place to refuel, stock up on snacks, and hit up the rest room. They’re not usually the spot where you bump into a lot of drama or tension. While that may ring true, a gas station in Iowa turned out to be the battleground for a heated altercation between a Black woman and an extremely rude lady who we’ll simply dub Karen. Before the camera began rolling, the Karen in question allegedly told the Black lady, “You wouldn’t be here if we didn’t bring you here.” What follows is a pretty tense exchange between the pair.
At the gas station in Iowa, the heated altercation kicks off with the Karen’s back to the camera as she stands next to a pump. Oddly enough, she appears to be talking to someone else as she flails her arms about. “B***h, I came from here, h*e! Are you dumb? So what if you didn’t bring me, I wouldn’t be here? B***c, who is ‘we’?” fires the Black woman. Turning around to face the camera, the Karen responds with a smile, “Hey, I’m Jewish.”
“I don’t give a f***! I don’t give a f***! So, what? If you didn’t bring me here, I wouldn’t be here? B***h, you didn’t bring me no where, h*e!” claps back the POC. The camera then cuts to a closer view of the Karen, as the person filming appears to have gotten out of her vehicle and approached her. “F**k you, f**k you. You’re stupid!” the entitled woman yells at the Black lady. When she’s branded as racist, she suddenly gets even more defensive. “I’m not racist. No, I’m not.” exclaims the Karen. “You are racist. You just called me a black stupid b***h.”
“That’s because you are black. I’m white. I’m a white b***h, I’m a white b***h.” the Karen shouts mockingly. After a brief back and forth, the Karen gets into her car, with her child in the front seat, and the clip comes to a close.
Unsurprisingly, the internet has been busy dissecting the video and poring over the details. Netizens were united in their belief that the Karen was indeed a racist. “Nothing like saying racist things to broadcast you’re not a racist.” mocked one commenter on Reddit. Likewise, another response came in saying, “I’m not racist, just a sh*tty parent/grandparent with a kid in the front seat… and a racist.” Others, meanwhile, continued to take umbrage with the Karen’s haphazard safety precautions adding, “I hope she gets popped for riding around with her toddler in the front seat. Dumb*ss.”