Tensions have been running very high lately. Between Trump and his antics in office and Elon Musk supporting him, everybody across the nation is a bit more tense and short of patience than usual. For example, things took an explosive direction at a GOP town Hall meeting in Asheville, North Carolina. A self-described veteran had enough of what was being said, and took matters into his own hands as he exploded in a vicious tirade.
As you can see in the video above, the veteran is angry and makes some inflammatory statements as Republican Representative Chuck Edwards speaks to the Asheville audience. This is what the self-described veteran shouts.
Do your job that you were sent there to do, to represent us all! I’m a veteran, and you don’t give a f— about me! F*** you!
As you can see, the words weren’t very, well let’s just say, diplomatic, but they get the point across as he was clearly expressing anger at a political party he feels has abandoned veterans. In the post by Reddit user CorleoneBaloney on the r/Publicfreakout page, some folks had to say,
“This will all be explained away as a bunch of Antifa rabble rousers bussed in to cause trouble.”
“Did something happen during the first Trump admin that gave the impression the GOP gives a f*** about anyone but themselves and their donors?”
“The video doesn’t show Edwards was basically reading a canned response to DOGE cutbacks. “Here’s the great things DOGE is doing”. He was not prepared to face actual people these cuts are affecting.”
“The GOP is scared of their constituents. They better decide real quick if they are going to be standing for re-election. If they stand for the Trump bull and capitulate to Trump, they will lose their positions.”
We can’t say for sure if the man was a veteran or even what side of the political fence he rests on, but one thing is for sure: Veterans should be treated with much more admiration than they get and with the respect they deserve.