Jimmy Kimmel is known for his comedy, be it as his work as a late night host, or even his early days at the man show, it’s just come naturally to him. But like everyone else he’s human and experienced the emotional rollercoaster that comes with having a child, and the difficulty of learning that child has a heart disease upon birth.
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In a heartfelt 13 minute monolog, Kimmel explained the entire emotional experience, from seeing his new baby boy (William “Billy” Kimmel) being born to learning he has a heart defect to the first operation to fix it. He recants about how before he knew it, more and more doctors started pouring into his son’s LA hospital room after a nurse caught the abnormality.
“So now more doctors and nurses and equipment come in. It’s — it’s a terrifying thing. You know, my wife is back in the recovery room, she has no idea what’s going on. And I’m standing in the middle of a lot of very worried-looking people — kind of like right now — who are trying to figure out what the problem is.”
After a ride to Children’s Hospital of L.A. by ambulance, Billy underwent a three-hour surgery to repair a hole in his heart. It as successful, but he will require two more surgeries, one that takes place in the coming months and another in his late teens.
Six days after being born, William Kimmel was allowed to go home and be with his family.
Despite the regaling the difficult experience, Kimmel did what Jimmy Kimmel did best, he told a joke to ease the pain of it the situation. “Poor kid, not only did he get a bad heart, he got my face,” said Kimmel.”
Kimmel thanked everyone for the cards and support – even his on-screen “rival” Matt Damon – and the studio for the time off to spend with his family. We all have our fingers crossed fo the late night host, his family and especially Billy that everything goes well!