Update 1.72 has arrived for Killing Floor 2, and here are the bug fixes and changes that came with this patch. It’s been a while since we haven’t seen new stuff for Killing Floor 2. Considering it’s been years since the action-packed zombie slayer’s release, all those recent changes should be appreciated. The latest update delivers a few changes and additions that could make a difference. The anticipated Deep Blue Z is also arriving with today’s patch, which brings even more action. Here are the patch notes for Killing Floor 2 update 1.72.
All Changes & Fixes for Update 1.72 in Killing Floor 2

Deep Blue Z
Unveil the secrets of a Horzine Deep Sea Underwater research base, deep in the Marianas Trench, that has definitely seen better days. Who knew Zeds could dive? Clean up the facility in the new map, Subduction.
Unfortunately, there has been another outbreak besides the Zeds, and it’s a really dangerous Contamination in the air. Defend the Safe Area in Contamination Zone Weekly Mode and be careful with staying outside, you might end up more beaten up than after fighting a Fleshpound. Luckily, there’s a new HRG weapon to help you keep the crowd controlled and defend a spot: the HRG Bombardier. A heavy-loaded Drone that will make Zeds go boom if they get near.
Check this new content coming right from the Depths!
New Additions and Highlights
1 New Community Map
- Subduction
- Compatible with Survival, Weekly, VS and Endless Game Modes.
- A submarine Horzine facility.
- 1 New Weekly Mode
- Contamination Zone
- On each wave, a Safe Area is marked on the map.
- Players will receive damage if standing out of that Safe Area.
- All of the map will be safe when 5 zeds or less are alive (per wave) and during Trader Time.
- Zed spawns are modified.
- Length: 7 waves.
- 2 New Weapons
- HRG Bombardier for the Demolitionist
- An alternative version of the Commando’s Sentinel for the Demolitionist perk.
- Assistance equipment that deploys a Grenade-firing Drone, controllingcrowds with Area damage and Stumble power.
- Right-click will create a cluster explosion by detonating the drone.
- Trader price is 500 Dosh.
- S12 Shockgun for the Support
- The S12 Shockgun is a paid DLC weapon.
- A tier 4 Semi-Auto Shotgun with a special trait: its Alt-Fire creates an EMP wave to help avoid being surrounded and lethal for weak Zeds.
- Trader price is 1500 Dosh.
- New Steam Achievements
- Subduction related achievements
- Time-limited Objectives, Tickets, and Cosmetics
- Seasonal objectives related to Subduction and the Weekly Mode
- Complete all seasonal objectives to earn the Shark Jaw Head Accessory
- Zedconomy
- Stingray Weapon Skin Bundle Pack
- Jaeger MKIV Weapon Skin Bundle Pack
- Junkyard MKII Weapon Skin Bundle Pack
- Predator Weapon Skin Bundle Pack
- Horzine Diver Outfit Bundle
- S12 Shockgun Weapon Bundle
- Killing Floor 2 – Cosmetics Season Pass
- Option to Toggle the Friendly HUD using a Keybind:
- Added a Keybind (configurable on PC) to toggle visibility of the Friendly HUD
- An option will be added to search items within Store and Inventory using a virtual keyboard or your PCs and Consoles
- This search bar will filter items (weapon skins, outfits) by name.
- Weapons
- Minigun
- Magazine from 90 to 120
- Minigun
- Damage from 35 to 38
- Spare ammo from 540 to 600
- Ammo price per magazine from 90 to 120
- Spitfire + Winterbite + Rhino
- Sped up Bash animation 33% (1.5 play rate, around 2s)
- HRG Locust
- Damage from 60 to 45 (Explosive)
- Bleeding Power from 20 to 15
- Poison Power from 25 to 20
- Upgraded from Tier 3 to 4
- Removed 2nd upgrade
- Trader price from 900 to 1400
- Reducto Ray
- Trader price from 1200 to 900
- HRG Healthrower
- Damage on Spray end from 27 to 12
- Damage on Spray start (muzzle) from 30 to 15
- Damage Interval from 0.07 to 1.2
- Poison Power from 15 to 10
- Mine Reconstructor
- Fire Interval from 0.223 to 0.2
- Road Redeemer
- Fast attack Damage from 68 to 75
- Heavy attack Damage from 90 to 100
- HRG Crossboom
- Damage Radius from 200 to 250
- Seconds Before Arrow Detonation from 0.5 to 0.2
- HRG Head Hunter
- Ammo Cost (alt fire mode) from 100 to 25
- Sentinel + HRG bombardier
- Both drones will not enable Scrake/Fleshpound’s rage due to the amount of attacks received. The drones can still enable these Zeds’ rage due to health threshold.
- Both drones will no longer trigger zed time.
- Perks
- Field Medic
- Reduced the passive Movement Speed increase from 0.4% per level to 0.2% per level
- Reduced the resistance cap from Resilience skill to 30%
- Field Medic
- Fixed an issue where the Survivalist’s “Faster Weapon Switch” bonus was only applying to survivalist weapons.
- These Killing Floor 2 1.72 patch notes addressed an issue where downloading or updating existing or new Workshop Maps were not always downloading due to getting into a poor state.
- Fixed an issue with the Demolitionist SKill Destroyer of Worlds that could lead to unintended damage types and visual effects being applied to some weapons.
- Fixed an issue where the Crovel and HE Grenade were used by default when changing perks to Survivalist at the Trader Pod.
Weapon Fixes
- Sentinel
- Fixed an issue where the animation of pressing the remote control would not play when the al-fire was pressed.
- Fixed an issue where the Drone ammo count would be out of sync when dropping and picking back up the remote control.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Sentinel from firing through glass.
- Fixed an issue where the Sentinel played no sound during the weapon check animation.
- Fixed an issue where the Sentinel would not fire at Zeds that were meleeing the drone owner when playing offline.
- Adjusted the behavior of the Patriarch’s tentacle to not grab and draw in the Sentinel.
- Fixed an issue where the ammo counter would be reduced when switching weapons during drone deployment.
- HRG Bombardier
- Fixed an issue where the drop model was not being lit.
- Fixed an issue where the ammo count was different from 1st person to 3rd person.
- Fixed an issue in 3rd person where the Deploy animation would play when the drone was detonated.
- Fixed an issue where the muzzle flash was shifted away from the barrel.
- Fixed an issue where the detonator would disappear when the player is running and throws a grenade.
- Fixed an issue where the drone would fire multiple projectiles when firing at groups of Zeds.
- Fixed an issue where the drone would increase its fire rate when firing at groups of Zeds.
- Fixed an issue where the drone would be frozen at the deployment site during ZED Time.
- Fixed an issue where the drone would fly off away from the player after being deployed in ZED Time and ZED Time then ended.
- Fixed clipping issues with the blade in 3rd person.
- ThFixed an issue where the explosion radius grew exponentially with Survivalist and Demolitionist skills.
- S12 Shockgun
- Fixed an issue where a dropped weapon with an empty magazine was Green.
- Fixed an issue with the magazine being duplicated during the elite reload animation.
- Fixed an issue where the weapon would clip into the camera while strafing right.
- Updated the animations to minimize clipping and clean up all of the reload animations.
- Fixed an issue with the M16 203 Assault Rifle where the Alt-Fire sound would stop playing.
- Corrected the HRG Crossboom Alt-Fire to have the proper detonation time.
- Fixed an issue where the Survivalist Crovel was not cycling through the weapon swap correctly while the primary weapon was empty.
- Fixed an issue for the G36c Assault Rifle reload animation where the magazine would disappear in the third person during both partial and full reloads.
- Fixed an issue for the ZED MKIII reload animation where the magazine would drop to the floor during a partial reload.
Map Fixes
- Subduction
- Worked to improve performance on the map in areas where the frame rate would dip.
- Updated the blood splatter in all areas of the map to ensure proper coverage is occurring.
- Updated the impact decals in all areas of the map to ensure the proper decal is being applied from bullet impacts.
- Updated the impact sounds in all areas of the map to ensure the proper sound is playing from bullet impacts on the materials.
- Updated the occlusion for water audio so that it can be heard from the appropriate distance and not through areas and objects it should not.
- Added audio for all of the generators
- Updated the spawned weapon spawn points to prevent clipping into the environment.
- Updated the lighting throughout to ensure the light cast matches the light source.
- Updated the Trader Path arrows to clearly designate the path for players.
- Updated the SYG borders to more accurately reflect the defended area.
- Fixed an issue where the waypoint arrow for the Auditorium SYG was not present.
- Fixed multiple invisible collisions near railings throughout the map.
- Fixed multiple pathing issues for large Zeds near the railings.
- Fixed an issue that caused the player’s camera to twitch while in the lobby.
- Fixed multiple instances of z-fighting with the railings and walls throughout the map.
- Fixed multiple instances of walls disappearing and reappearing within the player’s view.
- Fixed multiple instances of lights disappearing and reappearing within the player’s view.
- Fixed multiple instances of texture seams throughout the map.
Weekly Outbreak Fixes
- Fixed an issue during the Contamination Zone weekly outbreak on Airship where the Safe Area had no SYG lines designating it.
Localization Fixes
- These Killing Floor 2 patch notes addressed the localization for the Plague Doctor Hood where it did not fit within boundaries in multiple languages.
- Fixed issue for the M4 where an extraneous M was present in German in the inventory menu.
- Corrected the Russian text for the Projections from the Deep achievement.
- Updated the description of the Seasonal Objective “Somewhere, beyond the Z” to fit within the designated UI
General Fixes
- Fixed multiple instances of log spam around lighting/PCV warnings as well as StaticLoadObject warnings.
- Continued to address overall console stability issues
The new event looks exciting, and the bug fixes are definitely welcome. It’s great to see the corrective patch notes in the 1.72 update of Killing Floor 2. There aren’t a lot of zombie PvE games on the market since Back 4 Blood is a bit outdated, but Killing Floor 2 is still alive. We wonder how many updates and new events the game will get and are excited to play them.
Killing Floor 2 is available on PC, PS4, and