Update 1.73 has arrived for Killing Floor 2, and here are the bug fixes and changes that came with this patch. It’s been only two weeks since we saw the previous update, and it also brought important changes. Today’s patch adds a few bug fixes to the game, helping to make the game more stable. Even though there isn’t a wave of complaints, the developers keep reading the feedback and delivering fixes when they can. Here are the patch notes for Killing Floor 2 update 1.73.
Killing Floor 2 Update 1.73 Patch Notes

- Fixed an issue where the Zedative skill would not heal players during Zed time.
- Fixed an issue where the Toggle Friendly HUD controller callout would be present with no controller connected.
- Fixed an issue on consoles where sound effects were missing from multiple Demolitionist weapons.
- Fixed the issue on EGS that prevented the S12 Shockgun from being granted to Armory Season Pass 2 users on the Epic platform.
General Fixes
- Corrected the news carousel links on Steam to redirect to the correct locations.
The developers relayed the changes with June’s first update, and they’re only bringing a few corrections with today’s update. It’s fantastic that game is still getting updates because it’s been years since its release, and it mostly lost the attention that it had at the launch. We wonder what kind of updates and new playable content they will bring in the future. Killing Floor 2 is available on PC, PS4, and