With the current seasons of Arrow and Flash finished, you might be expecting DC to be a little quiet on the tv front. You would be wrong; for your viewing pleasure, the first ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ trailer.
Looking at the trailer, I suspect this may be DC’s answer to ‘Agents of Shield’. Arrow and Flash are more focused on their titular heroes. Legends of Tomorrow looks to be more group focused. The advantage that ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ has over ‘Agents of Shield’ is that it isn’t tied to DC’s movie universe. As such, it is able to have storylines that have an actual impact on the setting.

Speaking of large impact, let’s dig into that trailer a bit. The major nugget of info is the fact that our ragtag group of heroes legends will be battling Vandal Savage. For the uninitiated, the immortal Savage is the next threat tier down after guys like Darkseid.

Also exciting is the fact that Savage won’t be conveniently sitting in one location for them to thwart him. No, our group of super misfits will be leaping through time to fight him across history. Exciting in its own right, this also suggests that the show isn’t working with a shoe-string budget.
Then there’s the revelation that Sara Lance is being raised from the dead. Add this to the fact that the Atom will finally start doing what he’s famous for (shrinking) and we have some interesting subplots going on.
And of course, it’s nice to see the first footage of Arthur Darvil’s character Rip Hunter. Darvill’s inclusion was bound to draw fans from the Doctor Who fandom. Nonetheless, it’s nice to see Darvill looking comfortable in the role.