League of Legends’s 13.19 patch is soon to be launched and has meta changes for Support players. Although 13.19 does not bring much change for the Support role in general, there are things worth mentioning in the synergies with the ADC role. Champions such as Heimerdinger, who have been seen frequently in the bot lane lately, are losing their relevance. Pyke, on the other hand, is preparing to become the nightmare of the enemy bot lane once again, with the recent buffs. So, let’s look at the Support tier list in the LoL 13.19 patch.
Support Tier List in League of Legends | 13.19 |
League of Legends did not bring any significant changes to Supports in the 13.19 patch. But as you can see, there are some replacements in the champions’ tiers. While champions such as Zyra, Blitzcrank, and Rakan are strong in low elo, we will frequently see champions such as Rell, Thresh, and Pyke in high elo. So let’s examine the Support champions in each tier.
S Tier
The God tier list hosts champions that we are not used to seeing before, such as Bard, Blitzcrank, and Rell. The buffs he has received lately make Bard very stable in the lane. He no longer has to travel far and leave his ADC alone in the lane. Rakan is pretty popular because of his ability to engage with the opposing team and escape even if a small mistake is made. Rell, on the other hand, provides great dominance in the lane with both her crowd-control advantage and tankiness.
The two newly added champions to the list are Zyra and Pyke. Zyra creates space for your ADC by constantly poking the enemy and provides a guaranteed kill at level 6. Zyra definitely does very well, especially alongside S Tier ADCs like Kai’Sa. Pyke seems to have increased his win rate slightly with the buffs he has received recently. Inflicting fear on the enemy ADC even while farming keeps your lane safe.
A Tier
A Tier consists of champions who disturb the opposing team by poking them and some enchanters. Lux and Xerath constantly reduce enemy HP, giving you an advantage in encounters. Their high range also prevents them from taking back damage. Neeko is a champion that is extremely effective when you catch the opponent when they are not expecting it. Enchanters like Nami and Soraka work well with ADCs that deal damage over time like Ashe and Jhin. Naut, on the other hand, is useful in combos that quickly melt the opponent like Tristana.
B Tier
B Tier has optimal support heroes that only work in some scenarios. Even though Ashe is strong with Umbral, she is still not strong as a Support and cannot survive in the engage meta. But, Ashe’s utility still allows her to be useful in some matchups. Heimerdinger is a very trending support and he hard counters hook champs. But for Heimer to work, he needs to be ahead in the lane. Leona is a tanky champ and has synergy with most ADCs. However, she lacks reliable CC, mobility, and range.
Braum is one of the strongest Support champs in the game but he needs a lot of set up. Braum is best when used as a counterpick. Karma is a win lane, lose game champion. It is very possible for you to win the lane with high-damage pokes, but she falls off at the end of the game.
C Tier
C Tier has champions that determine whether you lose or win the lane depending on the matchup. Champions like Brand and Velkoz can complement the ADC’s damage very well if they can establish dominance. But it’s a huge risk that you won’t be able to protect your teammates and that you’ll be finished as soon as you miss your skills. Morgana is a champion that can be strong or weak depending on the opposing team in the lane. That’s why she is generally preferred as a counter-pick.
D Tier
Support champions in the D Tier list are most likely the ones you can pick to lose the lane in League of Legends. Although Yuumi is fun to play, it is not very safe as it creates a 2v1 situation. If you don’t have a jungler who constantly ganks, you and your ADC will fall far behind. Swain and Pantheon are not preferred because they are champions who remain very useless after using their skills.
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This is all you need to know about the LoL Support tier list in the 13.19 patch. Hopefully, you now know which champions to keep an eye out for.