Loot Anime Loot Crate has partnered with Crunchyroll for an Anime crate filled with collectibles, gear, and other items based on anime & manga series from the past and present. This crate has over $60 worth of stuff!
Cost: $24.95 a month plus Shipping and Handling
Coupon/Savings: Use the code: NERDSTASH and save $3.00
Theme: Victory
Website: https://www.lootcrate.com/nerdstash
First item in the June 2016 Loot Anime crate is this Sohoku Bicycle Racing Club jersey style t-shirt.
This really cute squid plushie comes from the Nintendo video game Splatoon. I’m not sure what it has to do with anime but it sure is cute!
This Free! Eternal Summer Water Bottle is an exclusive item. This bottle has a unique effect when the contents is cold characters from Free! appear in the white circles.
Also from Free! they included this luggage tag that is filled with color liquid. It is very aqautic-like!
In honor of the theme, Victory, they included this exclusive phone charm in the shape of a trophy.
The exclusive Yowamushi Pedal Metallic Cover Manga Vol. 1. Yowamushi Pedal is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Wataru Watanabe.
This poster was on the opposite side of the info sheet that tells what came in the crate for June.
Summary: If I’m being honest, I am not real familiar with anime. Having said that, I thought the items in this box were really cool. I especially like the water bottle and luggage tag. The other items are a little less practical to me and are more for those people that like collectibles. Overall, it was a pretty nice crate.
Current Box Information: The July crate will be available for just a few more days. Order by the 27th at 9pm PT to receive July’s Anime crate. Coupon Code: $3.00 off first order
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