While we should never wish ill on some people, we can’t deny that some individuals deserve a bit of karmic justice once in a while, such as in today’s case. Recently, a Tesla car owner in Los Angeles shared a video of how their vehicle got totaled. In truth, that shouldn’t be a big deal. However, it is. See, three months ago, that same person posted a video laughing at a hit-and-run accident in LA. They saw the accident, didn’t stop to see those affected, and laughed at the fact that the affected person was a Prius owner.
As mentioned above, there’s a bit of history behind this Tesla owner in Los Angeles. Reddit user withfries shared the most recent video of @ken_stan on TikTok, who recorded their Tesla car after it was totaled. You can see a forklift towing the car away. The owner even says, “We didn’t like the car anyway, huh.” Moments later, the forklift enters the scene with the Tesla vehicle. They even claim the Tesla vehicle deserves something better than a forklift when it comes to towing.
However, the kicker is that, three months ago, the same Reddit user, withfries, shared a video of @ken_stan laughing at a hit-and-run incident involving a Prius vehicle.
In the video, the one recording says he would’ve stopped, but it was “a f*cking Pruis.”
As expected, this stirred up a lot of opinions on Reddit, mainly against the one who mocked the Prius driver.
“As my grandma would say, “what goes around, comes around.” – oojacoboo via Reddit.
“This guy is a POS, his girlfriend lost her car, and he’s using it to make content and jokes.” – withfries via Reddit.
Again, we are no one to judge or wish ill on people, but this one kind of deserved it. Laughing at someone’s disgrace and then using another one’s disgrace to make content is not a good look, after all.