When exploring Arqa and Yabbashah blocks in Tartarus, you may encounter a powerful Shadow called Lustful Snake. This monster is arguably one of the most challenging enemies in the early game since it can cast status ailments on your whole team. The best way to beat Lustful Snake in Persona 3 Reload is by attacking its weaknesses. That said, we will explain the best strategy you can use to defeat this powerful Shadow with ease.
How to Beat Lustful Snake in Persona 3 Reload

Lustful Snake is a challenging monster to beat because it can perform Sexy Dance, which can inflict Charm on the whole party. This is extremely dangerous because your teammates will start to attack each other. In order to avoid this situation, you want to hit the Shadow’s weakness in Persona 3 Reload.
- Weakness: Ice
- Resist: None
- Repel: None
- Null: None
Lustful Snake is a Level 28 enemy, and it would be best to reach Level 24 before you challenge this monster. If you want to avoid fighting this creature, you can stay away from Shadows with a thick red aura. They will also appear as spiky dots in the mini-map in Persona 3 Reload.
On the other hand, should you plan to face this monster, remember to have one Persona with Ice magic so you can attack Lustful Snake’s weakness. Having Mitsuru on your team is also a good idea since Penthesilea can cast Bufu and Bufula.
One important warning: don’t use Persona weak against Fire or Agi because Lustful Snake can cast Maragion and Agilao. Most Persona with Ice magic in Persona 3 Reload, like Jack Frost, are weak against this element, and you don’t want the enemy to knock out the protagonist.
During my playthrough, Lustful Snake performed Sexy Dance and Charmed my whole party except for the protagonist. Then, it cast Maragion and Agilao on my protagonist and removed half of his HP because he was using Jack Frost. Finally, Mitsuru dealt the final blow by beating him to death and sending me to the Game Over screen.
As you can see, the biggest danger is your teammates attacking each other. The best way to avoid getting Charmed is by equipping the Narcissus Flower accessory. Unfortunately, it is only available at Mayoido Antiques, which only opens after July 18. To craft one, you will need these rare materials:
- Nihil Ore x1
- Soul Sea Driblet x1
- Malachite x10
Since this is not possible at this point in the game, I recommend throwing Dis-Charm at the party members who are afflicted with this status ailment. You should be able to get this consumable from treasure chests in Tartarus, but you can purchase one at Aohige Pharmacy for 800 Yen.