“America / Chin Up / Eyes Wide / Take Heart.” It’s the kind of quote that could open a movie. Instead, it was written on a large blue sign and hung outside UW Hospital in Madison earlier this week. It’s a message a lot of the country could use given the recent actions of the Trump administration. While the sign’s red-blue contrast and spelling made it tricky to read, they didn’t dampen the core message. Health care looms large in the minds of many in the U.S. these days, as the rallies for science and health care demonstrate. Signs like this one are a call to inspiration as much as a call to action.
Wisconsin Told “Chin Up” by UW Hospital Area Sign
“Of Our Health, Trump & RFK Care Not,” the sign went on to say. Other parts likened the U.S. to an infected body. Though the sign’s somewhat awkward phrasing drew comparisons to “Don’t Dead Open Inside“ Walking Dead memes from some observers, its core message was clear. If the UW hospital sign in Madison is a call to action, it’s also a call to resist apathy. As the nation’s activists know, the fight for health care access in the U.S. is a long one. It’s easy to burn out. Sometimes “Take Heart” isn’t a bad reminder.
A Reddit post about the situation by u/_just_here_for_tacos drew plenty of appreciative comments but some critical ones as well. When some commenters criticized the sign’s presentation, others were quick to defend it. “What a bunch of babies on here whining about penmanship,” said one commenter. The sign still managed to draw eyes and deliver its message, after all. As another commenter said,
Could they have been more effective if they changed some things? Yes. Did you do better than them? I doubt it. Come back when you’ve hung a giant sign in front of a public health building.
“Imperfect” acts of resistance are more valuable than none. One thing that veterans, parents, people with disabilities, and everyone else should agree on is the importance of a robust and accessible health care system. That’s worth a sign or two any day.