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Mama June Shannon and her family went through a hard time since the death of her oldest daughter, Anna Cardwell. The family spent the last ten months before her recent death supporting Anna. Now, it looks like the stress of it all may be taking its toll on June.
Did Mama June Shannon Relapse?
A new live video is making the rounds today, with many Mama June Shannon fans questioning her sobriety. The video was shared on Reddit by u/numbersinthealphabet; to say the least, it is confusing. However, Redditors believe this live video reveals much more about what is going on.
The video is loud, and Mama June Shannon’s dialogue is somewhat hard to understand. There is also a lot of commotion in the background, with other adults and children chatting and playing. After fans watched the video, they said the first thing they noticed was the very foul language used in the presence of the children.
June is spouting off the f— word and doesn’t seem at all concerned or aware of the children. This may not fare well in her upcoming custody case for Anna Cardwell’s daughter, Kaitlyn Cardwell.
Despite the foul language, this is not even the most bizarre takeaway from the video. Redditors discussed Mama June Shannon’s behavior and appearance, which was very concerning. But they can’t help but mention that June looks allegedly under the influence of some form of substance.
A Rumored Relapse Could Mean Big Trouble
Mama June Shannon’s followers in the Reddit chat say that June is acting very erratic. She is all over the place and speaking very fast. Her face is very red, which some fans say is a sign of drug use. Since the new season of Mama June: Family Crisis returns for a new season in February, viewers have the opportunity to see how the last year has played out for the family.
Most of the comments and reactions about the video are the same. Fans claim that they feel Mama June Shannon allegedly appears to be snorting some form of drugs. You need to remember that the rumors are purely speculation and the opinions of the Redditors.
Hopefully, the fans are misinterpreting the video, and June is not spiraling out of control again. But, should she have relapsed, perhaps her family can quickly get her into treatment before things get too out of control for her. What are your thoughts? Do you believe the Mama June Shannon relapse rumors?