There are several choices that you face in your planet-hopping romp in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. On your return to Knowhere in Chapter 7, there are a series of choices that revolve around the telepathic dog Cosmo. Having been convinced of a false reality, it is up to the player to show him that the world he is seeing is not real. This guide will show you how to help Cosmo in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.
How to Help Cosmo in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy
As you make your way through Chapter 12 of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, you will come face to face with the friendly Soviet dog though he has given into The Promise of the Universal Church of Truth. Cosmo now believes that he is back on Earth as a normal dog, with no burden of being psychic. You must navigate a few dialog prompts correctly to snap Cosmo out of his trance and help him get back to reality. You will need to get Cosmo to think of the present and the good things he has now rather than his imagined fantasy. The first prompt will be between “Scold” and “Offer Hand.” You need to remind Cosmo you are his friend, so you will need to “Offer Hand.” Doing so will calm the dog down, though he will still be holding you in place with his psychic abilities.
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The next choice is between “Indulge Past” and “Focus on Present.” To pull Cosmo out of his delusion, you must have him focus on the fact that he is on Knowhere, not Earth. Have Cosmo focus on the present. Finally, the choice will be between “Remind about Puppies” and “Empathize with Loss.” While it might seem nice to let Cosmo know that you understand what it means to lose family, this will only feed his need for his delusion. Remind him of the family he has now, his puppies. Doing all this will break Cosmo free from the Promise.
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is available starting October 26 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5,