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After a long journey throughout the continent, you will finally return to the capital city, where you must confront Louis. After pulling a dirty move, your party has to escape but soon returns to the city after recovering. Now that you have accepted the truth, you need to make your way to the Skybound Avatar dungeon in Metaphor: ReFantazio. This is the second last dungeon in the game, and you need to go through several zones before you can challenge Louis again.
How To Complete Skybound Avatar Dungeon in Metaphor: ReFantazio

With Louis taking over the castle and claiming the Royal Scepter in Metaphor: ReFantazio, the Skybound Avatar dungeon is filled with monsters. The most common enemies you will encounter in the Front Parlour are Homo Luma and Platinum Homo Tenta.
Homo Luma are the walking fish monsters, while Homo Tenta are the dancing teeth creatures. Homo Luma is weak against Fire and Dark magic, while you can use physical attacks to beat Homo Tenta. There are several treasure chests and items in this area, so explore this section fully before you enter the next zone.
The enemies in the Skybound Avatar dungeon have various weaknesses, so I can’t recommend one party to you since you will likely need to change your team. However, it is an excellent idea if you can unlock the Royal Archetype since they are instrumental during the end game.
Royal Garden Maze

The next big zone in the Skybound Avatar is the Royal Garden, which contains a giant maze. You need to avoid Homo Flaemo, who are patrolling these areas. At the same time, you try to reach the two original human monsters. Many small mobs roam this maze, and you must carefully make your way around. Here is the list of weaknesses of all enemies:
- Homo Flaemo – Lightning
- Voidblack Homo Orelon – Lightning
- Dark Elmenta – Light
- Bloodcoin Imitec – Light
Once you enter the next chamber, you must face a mini-boss named Grotesque Chimenzahn. It is weak against Ice and Wind magic and usually uses Fire abilities. The boss can also use Breath of Battle to raise its Attack and Defense and heal itself.
How To Complete Banquet Hall in Skybound Avatar

After beating the mini-boss, you will encounter a junction where you can enter two separate areas. I suggest heading to the right to access the Banquet Hall first. In this area, you have to destroy all the Trance Crystals before the timer runs out.
Many skeleton monsters will pop out, but I suggest avoiding fighting them since the timer will keep going down during team battles. There are also many items here, but you can ignore them for now. Don’t worry; you can pick those up afterward.
The mini-boss in this Skybound Avatar area is a Gupdetron. It is weak against Ice magic and Pierce attacks, but it can repel Fire. So you can bring a Mage and a Gunner to win this fight easily.
Palace Corridor

The Palace Corridor is probably the most challenging area in the Skybound Avatar dungeon. Its main gimmick is that you will get teleported to another door when you open it. The trick is the color of the door you open. Most doors will have a counterpart on the other side. If you open that one, you will be transported to the other end of the hall. You can progress by looking for a door that doesn’t have a counterpart.
The most powerful monsters in this area are Moldilich and Ziocropos. Moldilich resists all magical attacks, but you can beat it using Strike attacks. On the other hand, Ziocropos is weak against Wind magic, which you can get from the Seeker lineage.
The mini-boss in the Palace Corridor is Leogrophon. This bird monster is weak against Piercing attacks but resists Fire, Ice, and Light and repels Wind. It can also cast elemental magic, so be careful if you have weak party members against Fire, Ice, Electric, and Wind.
How To Beat Melancholised Zorba

Melanchonised Zorba is the first proper boss in the Skybound Avatar dungeon. This guy has two forms: offensive and defensive. When it’s on the offensive mode, you can land all sorts of attacks, but I personally like to use Royal Slash to deal Almighty damage.
I suggest having a Trickster class or debuff abilities so you can reduce Zorba’s defense. Having a General is also good so you can buff your party. Zorba will mainly attack using AoE Dark magic, so avoid bringing classes with that weakness. Note that he can also use other elemental attacks, but he prefers to spam Dark magic more.
When Zorba enters his defensive mode, he will resist all attacks. I suggest using this chance to heal and buff your party. This usually lasts two full turns before he shifts back to being offensive.
After beating Zorba, you can finally face Louis in the Skybound Avatar. You will exchange some words with him, and he will ask you some questions. Be careful with your chosen dialogue options since you can get a bad ending here. Anyway, he will run away from you, and you need to explore one last dungeon before you can face him as the final boss.