While street fighting in the U.S. is considered illegal due to it being a disruption of public order, violent street fighting has seen a rise in some parts of the country, according to a 2022 report, per Kravmagaexperts. That being said, while it may not be common to see, street fights do take place, and can sometimes happen completely out of no where. Take, for instance, this fight that broke out on the streets of Miami recently between two men. Thing is, the driver who alighted from his vehicle left his car in drive and forgot to put the handbrake on, which meant that his car rolled away as the fight took place.
Unfortunately, we don’t see the build up before the fight kicks off, so it’s unclear what instigates the physical altercation. Instead, the video footage opens with one guy with his shirt off, wearing black shorts, stood confrontationally next to the open door of a car in the middle of a busy junction. The driver to said vehicle is in the process of getting out of his vehicle as the footage begins. As soon as he exits, however, he slaps the other man in the face, initiating the altercation. Noticeably, however, the driver’s car begins to slowly roll away as the fight begins to go down.
As the vehicle idles and starts rolling away out of the frame, both men begin throwing punches at each other in the middle of the intersection. As the fight continues to escalate, the driver ends up on his back with the younger man on top of him. As they wrestle each other, car horns blare in the background, and some vehicles even try to manoeuver around the pair. The clip comes to a close with the driver in a precarious position on the ground, with the other man aggressively holding him down.
Viewers reacted to the road rage incident, though many of their comments are surprising. Interestingly, many netizens took umbrage with the music that was on in the background while the clip was being filmed, with one user expressing, “The f*ck is that noise on the stereo” and another chiming in with, “What in the country rap is going on? Ignore the fight, judge the driver 😂” Regarding the fight, however, one user quipped, “Lost the fight and his car.”