Item loss is sometimes inevitable in Minecraft, especially from meeting one’s unfortunate end in lava (thanks, Mojang). There is, however, a way to keep a player’s inventory items upon death. Modifying this in-game effect could be a godsend for some, as losing one’s high-tier gear can break a playthrough. Not to mention, dropped items in Minecraft will despawn if not picked up within five minutes, meaning players who die thousands of blocks away from spawn may have no chance of getting their inventory back. Thankfully, there’s an easy solution for toggling the option to keep your items after you die in Minecraft.
Keeping Your Items After You Die in Minecraft
(Updated on July 30, 2024 – updated images and streamlined guidance)

The console commands you need to toggle item drop are the same for solo players and entire Minecraft servers. Changing this feature could be useful for various kinds of roleplaying Minecraft servers with players who do not want to go through the inconvenience of constantly losing their items to others. Here’s what you need to do:
- Open the game menu
- Enable cheats
- Load into a world and open the console
- Input the command “/gamerule keepInventory true“
Inventory items will now never be lost upon death. No more dropping all your Netherite when things go sideways. For players who become more confident in the game and wish to turn this “item loss” option back on, use the command, “/gamerule keepInventory false” in the in-game console. This will revert the world’s settings to removing all items from one’s inventory upon death. Be sure to type the two commands above precisely as shown, as any Minecraft commands are case-sensitive. Now not even death can hold back your Minecraft adventures.