Why wouldn’t you take the opportunity if a game lets you ride a horse? They’re sweet creatures, even in Minecraft as they’re passive mobs. You have to tame and saddle them to ride them. But if you want even more horses in Minecraft, you’ll need to get them a mate and breed them. It’s easier to do than you think. Before you know it, you can have several foals running around. But remember to build your horses a nice fenced-in home. We wouldn’t want to lose them after all that breeding.
Minecraft Horse Breeding Guide

Before you can breed your horses in Minecraft, you must find some. Thankfully, enough wild horses are roaming around that you can tame. Check the Plains or Savanna biomes and you should stumble across some horses in no time.
Taming the Horses
You can’t breed wild horses in Minecraft. So, you’ll need at least two tamed ones. Feed them about a dozen apples each, mount them until a heart appears around them, and you’ve got yourself two tamed horses.
It helps to have an enclosure already built so you can lead your horses to safety. This way, they won’t roam around while you prep for the mating process. Either that or tie them to a fence post.
How To Mate the Horses in Minecraft

Now we can focus on learning how to breed our newfound Minecraft horses. To do so, you want golden apples or golden carrots. You can loot or craft them with the following recipe:
Golden Apples
- 8x Gold Ingot
- 1x Apple
Golden Carrots
- 8x Gold Nugget
- 1x Carrot
You’ll need to make two of whichever food item as both horses must eat one. Make certain they’re near each other and as they eat, you’ll notice hearts around them. That means your Minecraft horses are in “love mode” and ready to breed. In seconds, a foal will appear next to them.
As long as you wait a few minutes, you can mate your horses as much as you please. This way, you can produce a strong herd.
Minecraft is available on PC, PlayStation,