If you’re planning on building extensive railways to get around fast in Minecraft, you’ll need tons of Iron Ingots, and for that you’ll need to smelt Iron Ore — a lot of ore. Even if you have some big-brain, fancy-schmancy Redstone automation at work, melting down the ore will still take a long time, even with a dozen Furnaces. Thankfully, you can craft the Blast Furnace, a workstation in Minecraft that can double the speed of the smelting process and its recipe is super easy to make!
Blast Furnace Recipe Minecraft
[Updated on May 22 – Added new images and revised the instructions with improved readability]

To make a Minecraft Blast Furnace, you’ll need:
- a Furnace
- five Iron Ingots
- three Smooth Stone blocks
Place the Furnace at the center of your Crafting Table, then put the three Smooth Stone blocks on the bottom row of the 3×3 grid. Place the Iron Ingots in the remaining upper slots, and voilà: you’ve got yourself a Blast Furnace.

If you happen to be new to Minecraft or are coming back after a long hiatus, I’ll remind you how to make Smooth Stone for your Blast Furnace recipe:
- Mine and collect Cobblestone; these blocks are literally everywhere.
- Cook/smelt the Cobblestone in a Furnace once to get Stone.
- Cook/smelt the Stone in the Furnace once more to produce Smooth Stone.

As I said above, the Blast Furnace is capable of doubling the speed of smelting when compared to the base Furnace. For instance, turning a block of Iron Ore into an Iron Ingot will take around ten-ish seconds. With the Blast Furnace, it’ll take about five seconds.
One thing you should keep in mind is that this upgraded Furnace cannot cook food items, so you can’t mass-bake chicken or beef for your role-play burger joint or KFC. One final note about the Blast Furnace is that it can be used as the “job workstation” for the Armorer vendor. So, if you’re in need of one, snatch up on of your Villagers and trap them in a corner with the Blast Furnace, and they’ll become an Armorer.