With virtually endless randomly generated biomes to discover, Minecraft exploration involves walking — a lot of walking. Granted, you can sprint all the time, but you’d better have a good stockpile of food on hand because running will burn through your Hunger. Alternatively, you could get yourself a mount to quickly traverse the overworld, with the Horse being one of the best rides available. To ride a Horse, you must first know how to tame one in Minecraft.
How Do You Tame a Horse in Minecraft? Explained
[Updated on April 20 – Replaced images with more relevant screenshots and added some extra details about feeding Horses]

Taming a horse in Minecraft is easy:
- Approach any Horse you find in the wild and interact with it using an empty hand.
- Your character will temporarily ride the Horse, after which it’ll most likely buck you off.
- Repeat this process until red hearts appear, indicating you’ve tamed the Minecraft Horse.

The number of times a Horse will buck you off until it’s been tamed is randomized, but it shouldn’t take you more than 3-4 times, in my experience at least. If you want to reduce the chances of a wild Horse bucking, you can feed it some Wheat, Apples, or Sugar. For instance, I fed a black Horse around half a dozen Apples and was successful with my first attempt to tame it. Horses will also eat the golden variants of the Apple and Carrot, but using such rarities as feed is just wasteful.

Once you’re on your tamed Horse in Minecraft, you’ll quickly notice you can’t actually turn or control the Mount. To do this, you’ll need a Saddle; your best chance of finding one is in Nether Fortresses. They spawn in other dungeon chests as well, but only fortresses have the highest spawn rate.