If people had any complaints so far with the Mirror’s Edge series so far, it had to do with its linearity and loading times; however, this may be a distant memory when Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst comes out. As well as being an open world, the City of Glass will “expand” as the story progresses, somewhat like what occurs in the Assassin’s Creed franchise. At least, that’s according to Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst’s senior producer Sara Jansson.
Speaking to X-One recently about the upcoming game, Jansson said:
“It’s an expanding city that will open up more and more as you move through the story. A critique of the first game was that it was a little bit too difficult for a lot of people or a bit too frustrating, and we believe that just throwing players into a huge city to do what they want would have been a little intimidating, especially as our gameplay is pretty different from many other games.”
Other than that, Jansson didn’t open up too much about the game itself, preferring not to divulge too much information about the plot. So far, all we really know about Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst is that it will focus on Faith’s past, acting as somewhat of an origin story.
As the Mirror’s Edge official website says of Faith and the story that will unfold in Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst:
“Faith is a Runner living off the grid on the rooftops of the city. Proud and daring she takes on the toughest runs, working as a burglar, courier and corporate spy. Her life revolves around freedom and physicality, but when a single reckless choice tears her world apart she is reluctantly drawn into the anti-Conglomerate struggle.
“Refusing to compromise with her sense of what is right, Faith ends up on a collision course with the authorities, and her path takes her from the top of the tallest skyscraper down to the darkest tunnels below. Along the way she makes many new friends and enemies, and the city is forever changed in her wake.”