Sometimes, you look out your window and see the usual neighborhood and folks wandering around who belong there. You might look out and see new neighbors moving in or check out a particularly nasty rainstorm. But sometimes, you look out and see something you don’t expect, which is what some Mesa folks worry about when they see all blacked-out armored SWAT trucks mysteriously parked nearby.
In the town of Mesa, near a country club of all places, a pair of all-black, armored SWAT-looking trucks were parked on the street. They really weren’t with any other police presence, and for some odd reason, their trucks were completely unmarked. Oftentimes police vehicles will have some designation on them, whether it’s local or state police, or even ICE. The nature of these trucks led locals in a post by user Longjumping_Gap8776 in the r/Arizona Reddit page wondering if they were ICE agents moving in on some immigrants for deportation. This is what folks had to say on the matter.
“It was swim with SWAT day at Big Splash.”
“Probably ICE coming to ship the parking lot tamale selling abuela off to Guantanamo. Fuck ICE.”
“I’ve never seen a city of mesa swat truck that wasn’t all labeled as a police vehicle. That is all blacked out. Even the military has unit I’d info. That is some Men in Black kinda shit.”
“Sweeping up all the hard working people at the waterpark with tan skin of course. It is clear a full shift is happening & we are now living in a dystopian country.”
“It’s probably a training exercise, they dispatch out of the special ops facility south of the 60 on Juanita.”
As you can see, the overwhelming opinion is that these trucks must belong to ICE and be up to no good. Nobody knows the real reason they are lurking in this quiet Arizona town, but if you see them, it’s probably best to stay clear.