The Pokemon Company and developer Niantic are finally releasing some juicy details about the long-anticipated Pokemon GO. Yesterday they released never before seen screenshots and some information regarding how the application will work with smartphones. We have known for a while, that it will use global tracking technology and an augmented reality interface. This will pair directly with a Pokemon Go Plus wristband that will connect to your smartphone via Bluetooth. This wristband will alert you of in-game notifications and Pokemon sightings. This is a nice feature that will allow players to not be constantly on their phone to play the game. No official comments have been made about the apps integration to the Apple Watch or Samsung watches.

Pokemon GO like past games will feature certain Pokemon species restricted to their natural habitats. This requires all you Magikarp lovers out there to travel to bodies of water in the real world if you desire to catch one. We now also know that the game will use push notifications to alert when a Pokemon is nearby. Once engaged, Pokemon can be captured by tapping the screen to throw a Poké Ball. In the past leveling up our Pokemon was our sure way to have the edge in capturing Pokemon and battling friends. Now, the ability to capture higher level and rarer species is determined by us (the trainer’s) specific level. The game will feature a PokéStop for in-game purchases for items like Great Balls and Ultra Balls.
If you catch multiple of the same Pokemon, you will have a chance for one of them to evolve. This requires trainers to have a high level to encounter and catch multiple stage 2 Pokemon like Charmeleon so you have the chance for obtaining the highly desired Charizard. The Pokemon Company announced that traveling and exploring the real world will be a key aspect of Pokemon GO. For those skeptical of the work required, one can rest the worries knowing that some good traveling will always be rewarded.

The Battle system is still very unclear. There are still no official announcements of how we will battle and trade with friends. Gyms are now different as well. Pokemon Gyms will be considered territories for capture. If the are empty, you can occupy and claim them. If not, you will be going to battle and challenging the gym for superiority. Pokemon GO is still set to release for 2016 and an early field test is set to debut for Japan soon.
“Using the Pokémon you’ve caught, engage in battle with the defending Pokémon at the Gym to claim control,” – The Pokemon Company