They say that when you start to feel the pangs of anger building up inside of you, you should take a deep breath and wait for the feeling to pass. That’s likely the best advice to give to someone who is experiencing anger-related issues, right? Instead of heeding this sage advice, however, New York fitness guru and CEO of “The LIV Method”, Matt Sauerhoff, who has even made an appearance on NBC’s Today show, lost his temper with a neighbor because he was asked to put his dog on a leash. The heated altercation was caught on camera and is circulating online right now. Be warned that the video below contains profanities.
Interestingly, turns out that the neighbor who asks Matt Sauerhoff, 38, to leash his dog is another celebrity; an author and chef called Eddie Huang, 42. The clip doesn’t show the buildup before Huang asks Sauerhoff to put a leash on his dog, but instead commences in the middle of the altercation. “Okay, so who the f*** is this guy? Who the f*** is this motherf***er?” fires Matt Sauerhoff as he points at Huang holding the camera. “I asked him to put his dog on a leash and he’s losing his mind.” responds Huang.
Visibly irate, the New York performance coach and motivator declares, “Get off the private property!” Bizarrely, however, Huang actually lives in the building. “I live here. I live here. Why do you think I don’t live here?” This response doesn’t seem to placate Sauerhoff, however. “Get the f*** out of here!” yells the fitness guru. In a slightly amusing moment in the video, Huang points the camera at himself and even questions whether he even does live in the apartment complex, as if his confidence has been shattered. “Do I not live here?“
As tensions rise, the 42-year-old chef and author of Fresh Off the Boat steels himself. “I live here. You’re just yelling at someone who lives here.” This, however doesn’t calm Sauerhoff down. “This guy’s got a f***ing problem.” fires the wellness trainer. “I don’t have a problem. He did not leash his dog. I mean, look, his dog is loose without a leash.” exclaims Huang as the camera pans down over an unleashed dog. Capping off the clip, Sauerhoff has a full on meltdown, yelling into the camera, “East41A. That’s my f***ing name! Suck d***, dude. F*** off!” as he waltzes out the exit of the building.
As expected, the embarrassing interaction has caught the attention of netizens worldwide as it continues to make the rounds online. Over on TikTok, one user couldn’t believe the irony of a wellness guru losing his temper. “This guy Matt Sauerhoff has developed an exercise program called “The LIV Method” that’s supposed to help you relieve stress. You can’t make this up. Apparently it does nothing for entitlement.😂” Meanwhile, another comment on Reddit read, “He went private and turned comments off on his company IG. I guess he’s aware he overreacted.”