It is challenging when a person receives a diagnosis such as dementia, both for the patient and for the family members. From then on, everyone in the family must learn to cope with the diagnosis and watch it unfold. Many times, caregivers suffer a lot with trying to have conversations or convince their family members with dementia. Fortunately, Reddit came across a video from an influencer in NYC that shows the best way to communicate with people with dementia. This technique looks pretty effective, and you won’t die trying.
The Redditor Ted_Bundtcake shared on r/nextfuckinglevel a video of a woman leaving her home to walk to Tennessee. Her daughter comes out to her mother to talk and try to understand why she wants to make that big trip. Fortunately, the original video is from the influencer and Certified Master Dementia Strategist Debra Kostiw, who resides in NYC with her family. So, the influencer shared this situation to teach others how to deal with their family members with dementia without having to argue with them. It’s more of a way to redirect people peacefully to safer activities with someone watching over them.
As someone whose mum has dementia I know how frustrating and hard these kinds of conversations are. Anyone putting information out there to help people should be really commended. Thanks for posting.
Other users shared that in these moments where they redirect their family members and end up doing a hobby like cooking or just hanging out.
With my Gramma and great aunt (identical twins, great time.. sometimes) the fool proof way to take their mind off of anything was a tea and maple cookies. I can’t even look at maple cookies any more but it was sure fire and they’d hop into hostess mode. It was adorably infuriating.
It’s hard enough to deal with people we love forgetting things and then even their own family. Plus, the care gets more complicated as the diagnosis progresses, but if we can keep people with dementia safe without having to fight with them to convince them, it will make things easier. Debra Kostiw even says that they can do something together or just start a new conversation with this method. So this is also ideal for bonding and enjoying those little moments you still have to spend together.