Blizzard’s upcoming shooter, Overwatch, will release on May 24 on

An open beta will also run on all 3 platforms from May 3-5. Preordering on consoles will also gain
Overwatch is the first new IP from Blizzard in nearly 15 years and is a big departure from the types of games the juggernaut developer is usually known for. A team based shooter with a host of characters, each with their own unique abilities and play styles, it will mix fast paced gameplay with carefully orchestrated team dynamics.
It will also be the first Blizzard game to launch on platforms other than PC at launch. PC players can purchase the base game for $40 or shell out $60 to get the Origins edition of the game. The Origins edition will come with a bevy of skins for use in game and items to use in Blizzards other games, such as World of Warcraft, Starcraft II and Heroes of the Storm. Console players will only be able to purchase the Origins edition.

There is also a special edition available for all systems. It will come with an artbook, the game’s soundtrack and a statue of Soldier: 76, one of the many characters featured in the game.
Want more Overwatch content? Check out our article on how Overwatch will change the shooter genre.