What is the Prove Your Purpose quest in Palia, and how can you complete it? Palia is the self-described cozy-MMO RPG. You can create your own avatar and participate in missions or quests in a fantastical world. Prove Your Purpose is one of the many quests you must accomplish to earn residency within the Kilima Village in Palia. The village will serve as the hub where you will spend most of your time. You must prove your dedication to the residents by completing a few quests under the command of the Mayor’s wife, Eshe.
How To Start the Prove Your Purpose Quest in Palia

Before becoming an official citizen of Killima Village in Palia, you build a house in the village within the game’s opening hours. Once you have your home, you must start the Strong Foundations quest to acquire citizenship within the town.
Strong Foundation has you go to City Hall and talk to Kenyatta. She’ll inform you to increase the value of your house and talk to her mother, Eshe, to become a resident. Once you’ve raised your house’s value and visited your plot, Eshe will stop by.
Eshe is the Mayor’s wife, and to become a citizen of Killima Village, you must complete her three tests:
- Prove Your Purpose
- Prove Your Devotion
- Prove Your Generosity
Each test is its own quest you must accomplish. After completing all three, you become a permanent resident of the village. Prove Your Purpose is the most straightforward and simplistic of the tests Eshe gives you.
Completing Prove Your Purpose in Palia
Each one of Eshe’s tests is to prove your value within the village’s community. The Prove Your Purpose quest is about reaching Level 5 with any of the following skills in Palia:
- Fishing
- Cooking
- Gardening
- Mining
- Hunting
- Insect Catching
- Foraging
- Furniture Making
You level up your skills by doing activities in normal gameplay. For example, you raise your Fishing level by fishing at ponds or rivers, while you raise your Insect Catching by capturing more bugs. You only need to reach Level 5 with one skill.
Fishing and foraging are the easiest to grind and level up the fastest. If you enjoy doing one activity in the game, you can farm experience for the skill to reach Level 5 quickly.
When you reach Level 5 with a skill, meet with Eshe at the balcony of City Hall during the day. Talking to her will finish the Prove Your Purpose quest in Palia. Once you’ve completed Prove Your Devotion and Prove Your Generosity, Eshe will hand you one last mission. The final quest for citizenship is the Find Your Shepp. After completing that final quest, you will finish the Strong Foundations quest and become a resident of Killima Village.
How To Solve The Ancient Battery Riddle in Palia
Palia is an MMO farm simulator RPG, and it is available on PC and the Nintendo Switch.